Some call it a violin - it is a fiddle from the teacher who taught me. My Prius has been a good place to "woodshed a tune" - when I needed to be away from everyone, popped the tailgate and started working the music.
A life with horses dictates power to haul trailers, hay and horses. Hence, my diesel girl. A life with a hunting dad meant I learned to hunt on my own... a deer coupled with pheasants/chukkars in the freezer is three to four bags of groceries of protein. A Prius meant I made my own choices.
Denise had a pheasant fly up and take a mirror off one of her summer cars She was pissed Mike Mobile on my SGH-i717
Sigmund Freud: "A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." Dali Lama IVX: "If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun." Mahatma Gandhi: "Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest ... if we want to learn the use of arms, here is a golden opportunity."
I found this one to be a common misrepresentation of one particular writer's misread of someone else. There seems to be no good documentation that Freud said anything, on either side, about this subject. Chalk it up to urban legend. Or rural legend in this case. I haven't looked into the others.
Careful, aren't they protected in Cali? The manager of our local outdoor range can't even trap and move the ones that dam the stream and flood the bridge into the range.
A land owner can apply for a depredation permit from DFG. In a lot of areas, the beaver is considered invasive. They can be beneficial in a healthy robust ecosystem but in a degraded one they wreak havoc. I have a permit for them. The owner of the range could try to apply for one or see if the county AG dept. has a trapper than can fix them for him.
Freud, who cares, I used it to accurately sum up Proxie's feelings and attitude towards guns. As far as the others . . . An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth - Mohandas K. Gandhi - Google Books Dali Lama: Seattle Times, May 15, 2001
Chuckle. Online surveys are not worth much...but you knew that. Solid demographics on sales is important for Toyota, for any car mfg, survival. Prius is the "green" car. Hey I'm OK with guys waving digital pistols around if it helps them assuage feelings of diminished manhood over driving a "green" car.
Thanks F8L. Go get yourself a Ruger 10/22, out of the box ($180-$250) it's a one inch shooter at 25-50 yards. If you work it over with upgrades it could be a .25-.5 inch shooter. If'n we ever get together for some Bass fishing on Clear Lake I'll let you shoot mine.
Chortle, what do you have to back your statement? I drive a Ford F150 that runs on CNG. At .75 cents a GGE it's not only cheaper but also cleaner than driving a Prius and I can haul my 20" bass boat as well as my entire "Fun Collection" around with me. It also stimulates job's, keeps money here instead of sending it overseas to the Middle East. Had a friend like you, same attitude, then I let him shot my pistol. Shortly thereafter he took up Trap shooting, now he has an entire gun collection. That's what happens when you put fear aside and open your mind to new experiences. G'night
I have a 586-2 S&W 357 magnum that will put the lights out for any beaver. Just gotta figure out how to get my guns & ammo out there on a plane without them gettin stolen in transit. The other option is I have a pair of 330 Conibear traps I could bring out in my luggage. They will do the trick with some skill, but wont be as fun as your Prius loaded with enough pistols & ammo to start a war with those beavers Mike Mobile on my SGH-i717
Just a thought, It would be fun if I saved up and brought out a S&W 500 for those beavers Might end up with two guys all beat to hell from shootin the beast but it would be a freakin good time I'll go check put how much that one costs and ammo. Mike Mobile on my SGH-i717
LOL! I don't blame her for being mad! I like to think every deer I get in the freezer is one less that will run into some's car... It was the (damn) four point deer that decided to step out in front of my 1994 Corolla last winter that fired me up... I punched the gas, he rolled over the hood after leaving a butt impression from one of his leg roasts , hit the ground, shook himself off and was gone by the time I pulled over to see how badly I injured him - turns out not at all. My school resource officer told me (actually gave me some ****) that I should use my gun to try to kill them, not the car... Then I the following week had a herd of deer start running with the Corolla down County Rd 30 in Canandaigua, NY... one was running next to the driver's side window, looking in... I was ready to roll down my window and ask what he wanted... Pheasants in my fields my GSP took care of. She could knock one out of the air with precision just for the fun of it.
That's nice but not relevant to the marketing data on the hybrid owners though glad to see you are thinking green. Someone had said Prius owners were a diverse demographic but the data showed a very narrow demographic. High income, high education level, older. The green aspect is why folks are spending the premium for hybrids. It's also why the few (14%) conflicted Prius owners feel the need wave their guns around, don't want the neighbors thinking they are green.
It is very relevant considering the fact that most prior hybrid owners don't repurchase a hybrid because of the cost of ownership. Especially the "Gas/Electric" variety which the Prius represents. Which has little if anything to do with it's Green standing. This fact fly's directly into the face of the, as yet un-cited, data you keep referring too. SO once again, what data? You keep mentioning data yet I haven't seen anything, so I'll ask politely again, as other's have, for you to supply the data that support's your statement's. I should think that anyone, with common sense, that reads these forum's can see the diverse demographic it's member's represent. Hybrid Car Owners Not Buying Again - ABC News
That's irrelevant also since it doesn't change the demographic of hybrid owners. Still a relatively small demographic of high income, high education, older with just 14% Fox News viewers. Perhaps there is an alternate solution for those who are concerned neighbors think they are "greenies" for driving a Prius. Instead of waving guns around they could get Viagra prescriptions? Not quite as symbolic as a big gun but more to the point.