Hi Guys, I'm considering this car for a long time. Now I'm going to get one. After I comparing the local dealers. Here is the lowest one of them. Please help me out see if there is any room of price. Thanks. 2013 Toyota Prius Three "1225" Exterior: Nautical Blue Interior: Misty Gray MSRP: 26,785 True Car Saving: 2,623 Price: 24,162 DMVs: 364.75 TAXs: 2,121.18 TOTALs: 26,647.93 zip code CA95136
Might be room for another couple hundred. You need to get quotes from several dealers to be sure. Have you been to a dealer to "kick the tires"? Are you paying cash or financing? Negotiate the best "out the door" deal and don't buy or pay for extras - they don't add value to the car. Since you live in CA, there are plenty of dealers to shop around. Although it's a long trip, you might consider using Diane in So Cal - she'll give it to you straight.
I think there can be more wriggle room in the price as well. I got a 2012 3 in September for about the same price as yours OTD but mine had the solar roof option, carpet mats, blizzard pearl (I forget the exact price but OTD was 26.9k). If your heart isn't set on 2013 mayhaps you can try a 2012. They're cheaper by about $300 and from what everyone says (including my own research to confirm) there is not a single change from the 12 to 13 MY other than if you want the persona package (which it doesn't look like you are).
Wow, you guys are so lucky. Shopping here in NW Arkansas, NE Oklahoma, SW Missouri I couldn't get anyone to go lower than 27200 + ttl on a three with solar roof, and that was on 2012 models that they otherwise seemed anxious to sell. We decided that was just too much for that feature.