I mean, sheesh.. I even named my first GPS (Garmin nuvi?).. She was Lola. I have GOT to come up with something for my baby c.
Luna is a good name for a girl. Or Casper, not sure I'm behind any of the others. But it is YOUR car and you name her whatever YOU want!
Thanks so much for the info, I will give Larry a call. SO sweet of you to give your cars names . Will let you know how it turns out.
Congrats on your new C! As I've posted before - 7000+ miles and my C still makes me smile every time I drive it.
When a friend of mine decided to start calling my car "Bridget" I was forced to name her just so that she wouldn't be stuck with the name Bridget forever. So I named her Phoebe
you sound so happy! I had a older model Prius and changed to a Camry Hybrid 3 years ago. I immediately realized how loud the Prius had been in comparison to the silence in the cabin of the Camry. I kept buying new hands free devices for my cell phone as I could not hear the person on the other end of the call. With the camry I could hear everything the other person was saying with out strainag. Would you mind sharing your impression of the road noise, especially on the highway ? Also - If you had a car previous to your new C could you tell me what it was and how the road noise is with the C versus the old car? THank you in advance for your input. LIsa
I have a 3rd generation (2012) and I don't think the road noise is loud at all. Though I don't have any experience in fancier cars to be able to compare. But I certainly don't have any trouble hearing people I'm talking to on the phone. This is just my opinion, and I cannot speak about the C.
I have C and I also drive Camry on regular basis. I had driven a 2012 civic for a thanksgiving for a 700 miles round trip. I can't say that my c is loud. Yes Camry a bit quiter but the difference is not huge IMHO.
Hello Lisa! I used to have a 1991 camry and I agree with you that there is more road noise in the c, especially when you accellerate hard you can really here the gas engine work. Normal cruising speed is fine though for me. With the Camry being so much larger, and be filled with insulation all around, there is more material around you to absorb the noises before it reaches you. Keep in touch and let me know if you have any questions about your new C. I have a C3 in orange . Take care and have a safe day. Guido
The road noise is hardly noise. It was something I'd heard folks complain about before I bought my c. I paid close attention to it when I test drove the car to see if it would be bothersome. It's not. I usually have my iPod plugged in and something playing.. I don't notice the noise at all. My last car was a 98 Integra. She had an aftermarket muffler, and a drivers-side window that didn't seal properly. Lots of road/wind noise. My car before that was a 2008 Civic. I'd say the c is about on par with the Civic noise. Read: very little. I don't talk on the phone and drive... So I can't really give you any advice there.
Thank you for all the feedback- Maybe the newer generations are improved on the road noise or I just had one with extra noise & weak seals. I will test-drive a C on the highway in the next week and see how it is. I drive about 35000 miles per year for work with much of it on the highway so the car choice I make is very important for my comfort, health and sanity. My top 4 requirements have always been vehicle reliability. vehicle crash safety, excellent heating & A/C and seat comfort. I had an impala for a year and the seat put me in physical therapy for due to the back pain it caused. The Prius added road noise to my list of my top needs. Driving as much as I do, if I have these 4 (now 5 items) anything else is a bonus. Orange would be a fun Color to have! I like the utility of the Prius over the Camry Hybrid. You can go from carrying 2x4's to boogie boards to kids and all their junk. The Camry hybrid's trunk with the battery placement and design makes it less appealing. When I had a non hybrid Camry it had much more room. I end up with a new car from work every 60,000 miles or 3 years. If not for that, I would keep them until they stopped working. Our Sequoia has 150,000 miles on it and we took our old Supra to 265,000 before selling it because you could not put 2 car seats in it. I do miss that car!! Anyway- I ramble... I will let you know what happens after the test run on the C. Lisa