Here's one for the collective intellect. My wife likes to carry her FOB in her purse. She also likes to leave her purse in the car when we travel together. The problem (as I'm sure you have figured out already) is that I can't lock the car with her FOB inside. Any recommendations? Is there a way to disable her FOB while it is in the car? (short of taking out the battery, that is) Thanks Chris
On another thread, someone suggested putting the extra fob in an Altoids tin. Maybe you could try that.
The best way if your wife's FOB is not the main one used. Is remove the battery. She will then have to use the emergency key to get in the car and slip the FOB into the slot on the dash to be able to drive.
That does work...........but wipe clean first to remove the peppermint, spearmint, or cinnamon smell.
Can a non-SKS fob be programmed to work with a SKS Prius? If so... then your wife could use the traditional "clicker" to get in and out of the car... and use the fob-slot to start the car. At the same time, she would not compromise your ability to lock the vehicle with her purse inside. Personally, I do not think it is great idea to lock her purse in the car... but that is between you and her. /Jim