I have a question for the group. Based on some posts I read on the forum, I was under the impression that the dealer could disable the seatbelt and backup beep. I called my local dealer today and was told it is illegal for them to do so (something about an installed safety feature). Any thoughts on this? Thank you.
My backup beeping has been turned off, so now it only beeps once. My seatbelt beeping has been turned off, so now it will only beep a couple times [maybe three], and then it is silent. I asked, and the service manager did it for me.
Ask them to show you the specific law (or source of information) this violates (I don't believe this exists) and ask why Toyota says this can be modified in you owners manual. Show them the page in the book. Many of us have had at least the backup disabled without any problems from the dealer.
you can tell them it's part of customization for customer. some dealers are bit hestitant because of it's related to security / safety like my dealer was. told them it's part of customization, and it was done.
I can certainly understand how the seatbelt beeping is a safety feature... But the reverse gear beeping... c'mon!! Geez, I hate that thing. I'm definitely going to see if my dealer will disable it for me! iPad ? HD
Believe you me, if you refuse to take ownership of a car until those features are disabled they WILL get disabled. No way a dealer is going to let a customer walk away just for that. If they do, then you did yourself a favor in weeding out a dealership you would not want to deal with. The sales rep I dealt with at my dealership was very nice and was aware I'm technically capable of doing it myself. He was resistant in agreeing to have them disabled at first (against the rules blah blah). I didn't say I'd walk, but I told him if they didn't I would, so he had the tech disable them for me to save me the trouble.