Traded in my Cadillac CTS-V yesterday for a Prius Four, winter gray. My daily 126 mile commute @ 18 mpg on premium fuel will be a thing of the past. So far I really like the 2012 Prius - very well thought out vehicle. I will pull off the plastic hubcaps to expose the black wheels, have center caps coming in. Have ordered Weather Tech window vent covers and will tint the windows lightly.
Welcome to PC! ...and the world of saving gas! You'll be amazed - a tank takes you better'n 400 miles, but it only takes $30 to fill it up! - besides it being a great-driving car. Enjoy! BlackBerry 9930 ?
Will post a couple digi-pics after removal of hubcaps, placement of center caps, install of side window deflectors and window tint application. Make it a bit unique, so after work I walk up to the right car in the parking lot of my "green" office building - did I say preferred parking for Prius operators?
I have a similar commute and recently started doing it in the Prius... It is phenomenal. And I love how if you enter in the rate of the gas each time you fill up, the Prius will tell you how much money you just spent on your trip (since powering on your car). So I know that my 110+ mile commute only costs me around $5! iPad ? HD
Congratulations! We bought a IV also and drive it all the time instead of our MB - it is more fun! Enjoy!
Help - I can't get the Prius keys from my wife! Our "other" car, well truck, is a Toyota too (2011 Tundra). Got the Prius windows lightly tinted, removed the hub caps, waiting for the Toyota emblem center caps to come in the mail from Amazon and am having the Weathertech side window deflectors installed Saturday (when I do the install one always falls off, but not when the professionals do the install). I need reading glasses, so the first day I drove the Prius to work and back (126 miles), I kept seeing 27 and what I thought was MPG next to it. I thought - I could do better, although I was staying with the traffic flow (70 mph). When I got home and with my glasses on I saw that number was the average MPH, not the MPG. With about 200 miles on the odometer I am getting 48.9 MPG. What a great car and the mileage is just too good to be true.
By then the new owners will have had plenty of seat time to learn how to drive efficiently. Then we will see a bunch ofthreads about how awesome their fuel economy is. There will be plenty of people getting 60+mpg on a regular basis.
Newbie here now waving the flag...mine has dipped from close to 60 to 44 with the colder air. My next Fuelly log in is so going to stink! Not sure what else I can do- keeping the heat to a minimum while driving (luckily I don't get cold but need to keep windows from fogging up... tires may need to be checked and wonder if I need an engine block heater... she's garaged at night and when she's started temps measure 48-52 inside and the outside temp is 30-35...
Also remember that winter fuel blends in colder climate areas generally have more ethanol and other "winterizing" chemicals that reduce the energy content per volume. So 1 gallon of summer gas does not have the same amount of energy as 1 gallon of winter gas. Same reason why diesel miles per gallon numbers are higher. More energy per volume. A gallon is a silly way of measuring energy efficiency, but it is what we use.
Congrats. Drive it in good health. I'm sure that extra money in your pocket and years of worry free driving will make you smile.
The first trip to the gas station it took me 5 minutes to find the gas hatch button. True story. However when a full up cost $33 I was so thrilled I bought lunch for everyone later that day. My BMW cost $70 to fill up and lasted less than a week.Prius fill up can go 10 days or more.