Well, i had turned down my first choice of 2006 Barcelona Red in the beginning of January since I didnt want to deal with the dealership and decided to go with another dealer. Just got the call today from the new dealer that a seaside pearl was in with side airbags, upgraded stereo and backup camera and the grey interior. I hemmed and hawed and finally decided to take the seaside pearl and will have it this weekend. I think turning down another 2006 Prius would not be a good decision just to hold out for the red. Barcelona reds seem to be few and far between, especially if i only wanted the low end optional package. It seems like the seaside pearl owners on this forum are happy with their decisions,,, hopefully i will love mine as much!
I know what you mean. Foir various reasons though I have turned down 3 cars since the end of August 2005. My option 5 Barcelona red is scheduled to arrive this weekend. As with many on this forum, it has been a long wait, and a test of patience. But I finally see light at the end of the tunnel (hope it's the headlights on my new car)
I suspect that you will like Seaside... and maybe you will get fewer tickets. /Jim (wondering of red cars really do get more tickets)
Yes, less tickets, that would be a good thingalthough red cars do hold a special place in my heart. My first car was a red 1971 Mercury capri.