Well I'm not but I know some can't resist and may already be waiting in line. I hate standing in line and waiting. I'll be glad to pay a bit more or buy on line to avoid the hassle and stress. Besides, the wasted gas and time looking for a place to park is frustrating enough. Your thoughts?
Picked up a used, IBM Thinkpad, $98 at 9:05 AM . . . no crowds nor rush. Soon as I swap the drive, it will be running Debian Linux and I'll 'excess' my last corporate provided laptop. Thanks 'brain dead' IT Security departent! But is also means this will become an 'infrastructure' system. We'll run our G4 USB stick and configure it to be a stealthy, personal WiFi hotspot . . . possibly permanently in our Prius. This will be a lot of fun. <GRINS> Bob Wilson.
Buy what the masses don't or can't. We went to Sears. Arrived at 7:50pm, doors opened at 8pm. There was a long line, so we sat in the car and waited and talked. When the doors opened and all the crazies rushed in we were just in time to see people running up the down escalator. Physics had the best of them and the policeman and the top and bottom took them away... Went in to get a Fridge, saved over $2800 on a brand new Fridge with free delivery, hookup, and installation. Meanwhile there was a line wrapping around the building for the 4am deals (at 9pm...). They had 4 TV's per store at a great price, albeit crappy TV. And hundreds of people. Someone can't do math. Walked in and out in 30 minutes, $2499 poorer, but with an awesome top of the line fridge being delivered Monday. Talked with another lady who also bought the same fridge. We were both debating between the same 2, both decided on the same one, except mine in stainless steel, hers white. I would hate to be in the electronics section.
Black Friday shopping has to be one of the odder mob behaviors. Who would want to battle overweight high school dropouts for parking and cheap imported plastic products that they don't need paid with money they don't have. Black Friday is a WalMart marketing scam and it works on the Walmart clientele.
I went to Best Buy last night around 12:30am to buy a few of my favorite Blu Ray movies, nothing big. It's what I do every year and has become a tradition amongst myself. It's especially funny to see crazy people buying huge things they don't need (and possibly that they can't afford), meanwhile I'm standing in the checkout line with my lowly movies. Hah. I don't mind the waits in line. It's midnight anyway.
Spoken like a true elitist! My wife and daughter went to Target and couldn't believe how many people had multiple TVs. They had some special which was $149 for a 32" TV. My wife said that the checkout lines were at least an hour long. They were back in 45 min.
I have in the past... got a Sears washer & dryer for 1/3 of what I paid for the set in this house I am in now... Hmmmm... Come to think of it... the daughter down the street has those cause I left em there when we got to move back out and into our home again. I will probably go out tonight... with my son...
OMG! OMG! OMG! A TV for $149!!!! OMG! I'm typing this as I sit in line at the jammed shopping center freeway exit. I've just got to have it!!! It's cheap!! I must have two!!! I must have three!!! I must have it NOW!!!!
I thought your imaginary friend in the FedEx truck getting cut off by Prius's all day long was the PriusChat "low" point or funniest Thanksgiving troll post, depending on one's point of view. Prii cut-off Trucks? | PriusChat
Let me guess...Zendaya CD's were on sale along with the TV's and Kustom Kitchens at Target? Free FedEx delivery from your imaginary neighbor who gets cut off by Prius?
A Glimpse Of The Apocalypse: Walmart Customers Fight Over Phones On Black Friday | TechCrunch No. I don't bother visiting and waiting a long time out at B&M stores for Black Friday. I think I did that once years ago. I didn't arrive nearly early enough and I don't recall getting the first choices of items I wanted. I don't even recall what I got anymore. Problem is, if you're at one store, you can't be at another for their deals. These days, there really isn't much of anything on sale that I really want and want to wait in line for. If some place had quality 1000+ watt inverters (esp. pure sine wave) for a bargain price, I'd want that. I skimmed a bunch of ads last night and didn't see any.
Man call it whatever bro. I always find myself holding a video camera watching and recording these events. Black Friday baseball bash!
Dateline Nov 30, 2013. 6 years ago, before so much Black Friday shopping had moved to other days, or to on-line methods.
At some level, I am not a shopper. within the last 5 years I bought one item in a store, a refrigerator. The wife wanted to spend locally. I buy off Amazon, eBay, and Newegg a lot. In 1988 I moved to Elko NV to work at a 'nearby' gold mine. 290 miles to SLC, 290 Miles to Reno, 280 miles to Boise on a road that was not all paved. 420 miles to Vegas. I did quite a lot of shopping mail order and online as Elko did not have a Walmart, did not have a Sears, did not have a K-Mart, etc. (It had a JC Penny) So it was a 4 hour drive each way to by in a store. (actually 5 hours one way and 3 hours the other due to time zones) So yes, I have placed over 150 orders on Amazon in 2019, I spent over $100,000 on eBay one year*, and Newegg was a favorite until I retired as a Computer Guru. But I buy what I need, not based on sales. * the Dot com bust was in full swing, I bought a server room: 2 Sun Ultra 4000s for Production and a Ultra 3000 for development 8 400 Mhz CPUs, 8 gig of RAM. 36 9 gig SCSI drives via fibre channel with 24 meg of NVRAM to speed up Disk I/O. Not bad for 2000.