Don't worry Be happy!!!! Well there is a break in period per say (your mpg will be gradually increasing) but you do not need to do anything special at all you can drive your car "normally". Of course do not go to Interlagos and challenge Vettel or something like that other than that enjoy..Tried to get that color but was unavailable and had no time to wait.
The manual says take it easy for the 1st 600 miles. I would suggest you vary your speed and don't use the Cruise for the 1st 600, then just drive it!
That is saying basically nothing ... he/she can drive the car just as any other car ... there is NO break in check list or something
The only thing the salesman told me was to avoid excessively long road trips and to avoid slamming on the breaks if possible.
Neither makes much sense.... Long road trip without heavy load no real problem. Slamming on the breaks?????? Nonsense you break whenever you need to......
He said to ease into the brakes so as not to put too much pressure on the brake pads at first. I imagine this is for heavy brakers in general. If you need to slam on the brakes to avoid an accident, obviously I would hope you'd be smart enough to do so regardless of how new your car is.
Actually Easing into the breaks IS a good advice break early and easy will help recover more energy But nothing to do with "break in" the car.
Yeah, slamming on the brakes has nothing to do with break-in. He probably wants you to use the regen system to it's max.
Winter time. I'd look at mudguards and paint protecting film for nose and edge of fenders. Snow tires if you will be driving in snow. You'll want window tint, lot of glass and it gets warm even with solar roof ventilating system, but wait for the summer for that, be nice to use the solar power to heat it in the winter. Mileage, a lot of us who got 54 mpg in summer are now getting 45 mpg in winter with wind and rain and winter fuel so don't be disappointed if you see 45 mpg until Spring. If you see 45 mpg now, you will likely see 54 mpg in summer.
From page 183 of 2013 Prius Owner's Manual: Breaking in your new Toyota To extend the life of the vehicle, observing the following precautions is recommended: ●For the first 200 miles (300 km): Avoid sudden stops. ●For the first 600 miles (1000 km): • Do not drive at extremely high speeds. • Avoid sudden acceleration. • Do not drive at a constant speed for extended periods. More or less what everybody is telling you. The owner's manual is your friend. Read it from cover to cover. There will be a test over the next 10 years.