Have a 2012 Prius HB five with dynamic radar cruise control. Looking for a lighted front emblem that will work with the radar.
Won't work. The emblem in the radar unit is an integral part of the unit and difficult if not impossible to remove (I asked a seller of alternative emblems and they confirmed through their Japan contacts). Even if removal were possible, lighting it would almost certainly be impossible, since the radar is directly behind the emblem.
The sensing unit in my 2012 is a good 10 inches behind the emblem with nothing but air between them. I had heard this is second generation dynamic cruise control which uses radar instead of the first gen laser which may be what you are talking about. The Lasers had problems with rain and fog I am told. My original emblem was broken by a piece of semi truck retread tire yesterday and Toyota parts dept wants just under a grand for the front assembly. I inspected the broken emblem and there are three layers of plastic but no wires electronics, antennas or sheilding in it. Nothing else appears damaged. With the emblem hole open the drcc works just like before. I am assuming the standard emblem will interfere otherwise they would have used it. I am thinking any radar transparent emblem should work.
I don't think it is possible to have anything other than plastic for the emblem because of interference of the radar signal from other materials. A lighted emblem is likely to have other materials that may muck of the radar signal. The only exception I could see would be for illumination only around the perimeter of the emblem,, leaving the center unobstructed from a radar perspective.
I woud love to be proven wrong, but prior information is that it is a lot more difficult to even get at the emblem in the radar unit, and I haven't heard of anyone willing to risk it. Even if it is easier than I imagine, you'd have to be sure that whatever came between the radar and the road was as transparent to the radar unit as the OEM emblem. As AZGeek said, it's hard to imagine how it could be lit without interfering with the radar.
I sincerely appreciate all your comments. And I agree lighting may not be a good idea. Was just hoping someone had tried it successfully. I purchased the regular emblem and took off the chromed logo and colored back sheet. Whats left is a black ABS mounting surface much like the back layer of the original with all the same tabs and screw mounts which fits perfectly but looks kind of plain. From the tests I have done so far this does not interfere with the DRCC. Anyone know where I could get a 6 inch Toyota Emblem sticker?