saw this in Autopia blog Hybrids Save Owners $112 Million Now Playing: Fuel Topic: Alt Fuel I was wondering just how much money and oil has been saved by the drivers of hybrid vehicles, and the good folks at provided some rough numbers. Edmunds estimates that the 176,000 hybrid vehicles purchased in 2005 saved their owners approximately $112 million in fuel, based on an average fuel price of $2.32 per gallon. That's money that can be spent on other goods instead of oil (more than 50 percent of which comes from outside the U.S.). Extrapolating the data for 2006 (this is my back-of-the-envelope calculation, so don't complain to Edmunds) , if we assume that hybrids save approximately 274 gallons per year compared to non-hybrids, then the 256,000 hybrids sold in the last two years will save more than 70 million gallons of gasoline this year. That translates to 1.7 million barrels of oil. Since another 350,000 or more hybrids will likely be sold this year, for 2007 the savings could reach 4 million barrels. Okay, so it's far from the "potential" ANWR reserves of 5.7 billion, but it helps.
I saved $1200 in gas the first year over my previous SUV. Maybe not a fair comparison, but real world. I did spend about 1/2 of it on toys for the car does that count against my savings?
I just did the arithmetic and the Prius vs my Honda Accord V6 will save me about 200 gal of gas if I drive my normal 12,000 miles per year. At today's gas prices here in Eastern Oregon that will be about $450 per year, and a bit less pollution also.
I don't know exactly how much I've saved compared to my dad's Camry but I've yet to spend Cdn$1,000 on fuel.
well, its a small start, but the ball of wax is getting bigger and bigger, and it will soon be a pretty significant figure. 4 million barrels is nothing to sneeze at and the totals will only get bigger.... btw, what is the sign in Ca at?
In comparison to my Jeep, which I traded in for my Prius and the 30k miles I drive a year, I could save over $3000 a year if prices stick around where they are or rise even further.
oh no... the I-405 ?? sign... the sign along the freeway in Californeighya that tracks how much gas has been saved by driving a Toyota hybrid