When I drove an avalanche a few years ago we would wave when we would drive past one another, then the same with corvette or motorcycle drivers. Today when I passed another prius I waved when we passed. I guess here in Tenessee prii are so rare, we allought to stick together.
Sounds like fun...there's so many Prius's here in Santa Cruz that it isn't at all unusual to see two or three of them when I take a short trip. -Roger
well it happenend to me on Saturday I wave at another Classic and got the deer in the headlight look from the driver. So it's finally happened, we've gone mainstream.
i NEVER get recognition from classic drivers. the other day i gave a thumbs up to a gen 2 driver and actually got a nod and a smile. i was surprised, i must have looked like the deer in the headlights.
I've got the BEST fellow Pri driver recognition story: last week the wife and I were driving down Santa Monice Blvd in LA and checking out another Prius - black - in the left lane when we realized it was being driven by no less than Danny Devito. We waved an he waved back. I work at CAA and most of our execs drive the Prius. TONS of clients, including Leo and Gwen drive them too. I strongly recommend looking at who is driving a Prius - you never know who you might see!
Excellent story, Kingmob. Did you get a chance to see his average mileage? Did you tell him to come here? Hi Danny!
You could even take it as far as Larry David, and wave 'Prius!' when you are just running down the street!
LOL, maybe there will be a second sequel to "Get Shorty" In the first one the Insight was the "Caddilac of Hybrids"
Wich didn't make sense since I've heard the Insight is a zippy little car. I wonder how that affected sales.
That reminds me of the Beverly Hillbillies. "That must be how they say hi in Caliifornia." "Lets return the favor with a nice Californian Howdy."