I have my advanced PIP set to lock the doors at 5mph when I drive. This is a setting, lock in Drive, or lock at 5mph. You have to manually lock the doors when you exit the vehicle. Would be nice if the car would lock itself when it no longer senses the key fob. But then what would happen if you are driving and the battery in the key fob dies?
SKS will not let you lock the door if the key is inside. Try leaving the key inside and press the door handle button, it will give you a weird beep sound and not lock.
The aftermarket alarm in our Expedition has this feature enabled- my wife has been locked out several times because of it. One time was at a gas station where she went inside to get something only to find a locked car on her return. It's a horrible "feature".
A pretty easy technical solve by simply not automatically locking the doors if the car is in park and the key is within range.
sure you can ... just set the SKS in your car - roll the driver's window all the way down - with ignition on, get out - shut driver's door - reach through the driver's window and turn ignition off - hit driver's window "Up" button ... viola ... you're locked out SGH-I717R ? 2
You shut down the car down right? In my case, I think I left the car on and went away. The car was locked when I returned.
I've never heard of a car that will automatically lock itself if you just park and walk away. Our Prius definitely doesn't.
Bad idea. What about the case where your key fob battery is dead and you accidentally leave it inside the car? You'll be locked out. The key is "out of range" because it can't respond.
That's like asking why we should carry a spare tire because if two tires go flat you're still out of luck. You can't prepare for every possible eventuality. The car comes with two key fobs. Doubtful that both batteries run out at the same hour while both inside the car. What you describe is an edge case. Just because something might happen once in a blue moon is no reason to deny users a convenience every day. There is no technology that can fully prevent human fallibility. Just learn not to forget your keys, or have a spare somewhere. If you manage to forget your keys inside the car and the battery happens to die right at the moment they are inside the car, well, stuff happens.
So a while back I was looking to get a new Prius that did not have the proximity keys. I did some research and came up with this as a solution: Welcome to Advanced Keys Sadly I cant speak on how well it works, as the kit was stolen out of my car before I was able to install it! However I talked to the manufacturer as well as scoured some forums and it sounds like a pretty solid solution. I am planning to purchase it again to install in my 2012 PiP as I like the idea of self locking. Also the card key would be nice for going to the gym or the beach since its water proof and still would be able to unlock the car.
Ummm.... 2010-2011 Priuses don't come w/a color touchscreen LCD unless you get nav. And AFAIK, even on those, you can't turn on/off the auto-lock in D and auto-unlock when in P behavior. You've got to use Techstream or some other device to send the necessary CAN bus messages. The feature of being able to customize many of the settings outlined in Things that can be customized | PriusChat yourself only started w/model year 2012, where Prius liftbacks once again started coming w/color LCD touchscreens.
Right, that's I meant by current gen. Perhaps a better wording would have been to say all Entune-enabled Priuses. Regardless, we're in the PiP forum, which does have this feature
Tesla apparently does this on their cars. Mildly disconcerting as you want to make sure it actually locked lol.
Door handles pop out when you approach and when the doors are opened from the inside. They retract even when the doors are unlocked. Though it would be hard to open the doors even if the car is unlocked when the handles are retracted, lol.