I doubt if this is part of the recall. Anyone have any thoughts on a creaky steering wheel? At any point in the steering, it creaks when turned. The creaking sounds like the flexing and bending of wood a la creaking wooden floors. Thoughts?
The best I can offer is that you return the car to the dealer for the recall and if there is a problem it should be fixed at no charge.
Check the connection between the steering column and the rack. Remove the boot where the shaft goes threw the firewall next to the gas pedal.There's a short piece that connects with two bolts on top and two on bottom. My problem was where the splines go into the shaft, broke loose, took it off and had it spot welded. Hope this helps. easy fix
I have the same problem. Today I took it to the dealership. They could not duplicate the noise. They did lubericate the area. If the problem persists, I am to take it back. Welllllllll....... guess what? It is still making the same noise. So, I gues I will take it back later in the month. The noise I hear sounds like a clicking sound.