Purchased our base PIP from Maryland in April and love it. Recently I have been reading the great discounts/rebates available to buy a remaining 2012 and have considered buying a second PIP. However, I was just to by Boch Toyota in MA tonight that you have to make two personal trips to buy from out of state. The first visit followed by a 2 week wait for the title and/or registration to be processed - I was told it is a state law. I also called a large dealer in MD who claims that the $4000 finance deal is only good for residents. Does anyone have any experience to know if either case is correct or not? If I buy, I will do all the paperwork via mail and have the vehicle shipped as I don't want to spend the time flying/driving back to Wisconsin again. Thanks
I just bought from Boch Toyota and I live in CT. My first trip was to value my trade in, negotiate price and setup financing, etc. The 2nd trip was meet at the DMV in CT so they can register the car I didn't have to wait 2 weeks and the salesman met me at the DMV in CT and we registered it right there. Ask for Alberto and he might be able to help you better.
I was one of the early adopters and bought my PIP in NY last April. Deal went without a hitch, but no incentives at that time tho. paid MSRP. Vehicle tax was for Michigan so no tax paid in NY
I live in Illinois and bought my PIP in NY. One trip, no problems, and received all incentives and rebates.
yeah definitely shouldn't need to make a second trip and TFS incentives have no residency restrictions. time to find another dealer. btw, the paperwork can be processed by mail. they can just mail everything to your local DMV office and then once you know that the paperwork has been received, you can go into the DMV Office and finish everything (if needed) in person.
yup, that's true. But in my case DMV lost paperwork and 4 months later TFS mailed me a letter stating they haven't received proof of title. Dealership mailed replacement check and paperwork and now every things hunky dory
It's really nutty. We have had many, many Prius Chat members report that they were told by dealers that the Toyota discounts do not apply to out-of-state buyers. At the same time we have had many, many Prius Chat members successfully buy out-of-state and they got the Toyota discounts. I can't figure it out, except to say you obviously want to do the deal with a dealer/saleperson who will give the discount to out-of-staters. PS- who was the nay-saying big dealer in Maryland? Other PriusChat members did get and were happy with the the out-of-state Toyota deal at DarCars Toyota and Fitzgerald Toyota in MD, to name two big ones near here (on the Beltway).
I bought my PIP from Ira Toyota in Danvers,Ma. I live in Indiana, they have sold vehicles to out of state buyers before. The finance manager was very adept at finding someone in Indiana to help him with the particulars of our state laws for titling and taxes. He FedExed everything to the BMV closest to my house with the intent of having them send everything back to Mass, then I would fly out to pick up the car. I intercepted the paperwork at the BMV and flew out with all the paperwork and plate in hand. I received the 0% financing and $4000 rebate. They never once had an issue with my out of state residency. I paid about $26,700. Give them a call, I would recommend them to my mother
This is based on the individual Dealership. I talked to a few who said they could give the discount and one even said it was their policy. So, I called a different dealer and got my PIP out of state.
I had a great experience at Fitzgerald Automall in MD. They did everything and gave me ALL ecentives. I am still waiting on my tag since it does take close to a month to get out of state tags processed in my home state of FL. Florida is SLOOW at everything. lol
I think the radio ads clearly say: visit a "participating" dealer. The problem is the consumer has no easy way to know who is participating and who is not, with respect to out-of-state deals.
That was my first option but my dealer (Jim Coleman) is $2500 above the current market discounts. It would have been nice for both of us if they were competitive.
I will contact Ira but I don't want to make even one trip out there. Hopefully I will find a competitive dealer who is willing to do everything via FedEx.
I wonder how much the expectation of future service revenue factors into new-car sales. If you are buying out-of-state, the dealer pretty much has to assume that this is a one-time deal, and they are never going to see you again. If you are local, they may be willing to take less on the purchase and try to get your (lucrative) service business. This works great for the dealership owner, but isn't too good for the commission-based new car salesman.
You would not have to go to Boston at all, I had the choice to have the car shipped to my house for around $700-$800. I chose to fly out for $250 and drive back. I am curious what Ira said, do they have any PIP's left for you?
I just received delivery of my 2012 Plug-in Advanced in Bloomington MN, from Walser Toyota in Ithaca NY. They have the best prices in the country on plug-ins now. NY region has a cash rebate of $4000 AND zero percent/ 60 month financing through Toyota finance for the 2012 Plug-ins. I made one trip to check the cars out personally and sign the paperwork. Everything else via emails and SMS and the savings in sales tax (MN 6.5% versus NY 8%) paid for most of the shipping. Check them out, I paid almost $7K below MSRP on 11/2. Would have saved another $500 after the 5th, as the cash rebate went up thru Dec 5th.
I bought my pip last Friday 11/16 in NY. One trip but advance fed ex paperwork. They had to obtain a transit license and that took 5 days. If I just showed up I could not have driven the car out of state immediately. Only hitch is that they collected WI sales tax and will not give it back until I send them proof of WI registration and payment. So I have to front the tax twice before they send me back a check for the WI tax that they collected in NY. Something goofy about that. Any NY buyers have a similar story?