I think that they're finally starting to understand that hybrids are here to stay. Now, if they can just train car wash and tire store employees how to deal with them.
well that's great news, but not every tech goes through the community/technical college system and trust me, not every tech wants anything to do with hybrids. there's still a lot of ground to cover here. it's a good start though.
Hi I'm getting my new Prius any day now. What do I need to look out for at the car wash and tire store? Steve
I haven't gone to a car wash where I actually have to get out of it and let some dufus "clean" it. I'm not interested in being their first Prius customer. I'll go to a good car wash and after that, I go to a spray wash place and give my Prius the once over with the Spotfree Rinse. If it's really dirty, I go to the spray wash first and make sure all the tough spots are clean, then I go to the car wash then the spotfree rinse. I went to Discount Tire. They gave me $50 per tire trade-in and I got Goodyear TripleTreds. They're great for this climate.