Very new to my '06 Prius... and loving it! Is there any way to have the car start up on the "Energy" screen (rather than the "Consumption" screen)? I know I can toggle between them quite easily, but I would rather it start on Energy. I thought when I test drove an 05 that it came up on Energy, but I could be wrong.
Just leave it on the "Energy" screen when you turn it off. Then when you start, it's on it. At least that's how mine works. Aaron
Mine always defaults to the Consumption screen also. I would like to know too how to get it to the Energy screen. Mine will change back to Consumption after each start.
Hmmm. I don't have an '06, but I do seem to recall a Display option for automatically returning to the Energy screen (after say choosing Climate or similar). I do not believe I had a choice there but I could be wrong.
There is definitely an option to automatically "timeout" back to Energy or Consumption (whichever you were previously on) or not to timeout. Mine was factory set to timeout, and that's fine. I just want to know how to get the car to start up in Energy rather than Consumption.
I want my default display to be the Climate controls. I have tried (many times) turning the car off when it's on the Climate display but it always goes back to the original screen. I have a 2008. I have searched through all the forums and done a main search on this subject. If anyone knows how to change the default screen, I would appreciate knowing how. I live in Arizona and need to constantly change the fan speed but the steering wheel controls only change the temperature - not the fan speed. Thanks.
Default is either the consumption or energy screen only with power on. Fan speed on the wheel. In auto it does funky things with temp/fan speed that I haven't figured out. It's been discussed before and takes 3 hands eyes off the road to steer/change the temp.
If you are handy with electronics, You can build a simple circuit that can be added in to do this for under $20. Another option is to add the "info" button to your steering wheel. Only cars with nav have this stock, but it can be added for about $5 in parts and 30 minutes. Then you can easily toggle back and forth without taking your hands off the wheel. The non-soldering way is to order the right side button panel from Toyota (or find one used) that has the info button. This is what I did, and I converted the Map button (I don't have nav) to be my EV mode button. While I was at it, I also beefed up the lighting and changed it to a cool blue color:
There are spare contacts (at least on my 2008) in the clockspring assembly that connects everything in the wheel. You can use one of the spares to send the EV mode line to the wheel, then connect it to a button. I cut the trace on the Map button (as I don't have nav), and used it to ground the EV line instead. I didn't have to do anything to get the info button to work. To pull the wheel apart, remove the 2 covers on either side, one is around the Cruise Control stalk. There are 2 T-40 screws holding the wheel pad & airbag assembly on. They are captive screws, so they will not come out when unscrewed. Once you have the wheel pad loose, you can then just unsnap the button assemblies. They pull straight out from the wheel. If you take apart the one on the right, you will see it has locations for extra buttons that were not populated. You will need to add a resistor for each button if you want to add in external buttons. Or you can just replace the right button assembly with one from a nav-equipped car. I was also able to change the whimpy surface-mount LED's with bright blue ones. There was no need to change any resistors. I then changed the connection on the clockspring to the dimmable dash light circuit. (it's by default on non-dim.) Without doing that it was too bright and distracting. I also replaced all the other dash panel illumination with Blue LED's as well. Looks way better!