I just purchased my GenIII Prius in Sept and just got crunched at a stoplight between two cars. The Truck behind me did not notice we were still stopped at a green light for a pedestrian walking. He hit me hard from the rear and I hit the car in front. The truck was coasting right at me (@10MPH) and NOT looking. The car in front had rear damage to the bumper and rear quarter panel. He was carted off in an amubulance with back issues. The silverado truck behind me had the front bumper tilted downward about 20 degrees. Him and me are OK. No airbags deployed. The Prius remarkably emerged with minor rear & front bumper damage. From the side, the car looked perfect. The cops commented how well they've seen Prius's do in accidents. My main concern right now is the possible frame damage to the Prius. For all I know the car could be an inch shorter. I have already filed a claim with State Farm and aim to take my auto to their claim center where 'there is lifetime warranty on the repair'. They told me Toyota dealerships do not necessarily do collision work. Any experiance with this?
Toyota generally does not do body repair. They usually work very closely with a few select local shops around the dealership. They send them lots of business, and the shops then buy genuine Toyota parts above dealer discount but below what a lot of other shops could get it for. The auto body shop will tell you what the car's status is. Nobody here can. Glad you guys are ok. If the truck was at 10mph and you bumped the first car, it seems unlikely that the first person is actually hurt. Probably thinking for a quick payday. Better get ready because in most states and countries you are at fault for hitting the car ahead unless otherwise proven innocent. You should be far enough behind that even if hit from the rear, with firm brake pedal depression, the car won't move forwards by much. So that payday looker will be looking at you more than likely.
To add. The guy in front was overweight and his seat recliner broke backward during the impact. He was laying straight back on his seat with his head rest on the rear seat and complaining about his back. His actions were sincere and he looked hurt from the moment I jumped out of my car to check on him. The policeman said the guy in the back was the one in fault. The cop added how its normally the guy in the middle in these types of accidents that gets the most hurt due to the double whip-lash.
Some Toyota dealers have body shops but hey may not be at the new car lot. If part of a group the body shop may be at one of their other branded locations. I believe my hatch was touched up at their Ford location before delivery. Warranty is a good selling point. Sounds like you should check the work of the State Farm & Toyota shops. I doubt there is frame damage if all you have is minor bumper damage. Does it feel different when driving?
I'm of no help but I want to say I'm glad you are ok. Hopefully the guy in front of you suffers no lasting damage.
One thought after the accident: I've been maximizing my mileage by using city streets rather than using the highway. The city streets (mainly 45mph) offer many more lights, obstacles, and chances for collisions....especially during the afternoon traffic here in the city. Staying in the right lane as I normally do, increases the likelyhood of traffic slowing for yields, cars going to turn right and tie ups that the lights that require split second reactions. Don't forget the left turns that offer the worst collisions of all when they happen. I've been driving like an old lady since I purchased my Prius, driving at the speed limit and keeping plenty of room from the car in front of me. But as you can see, you are not immune from the tretchery of these drivers that are not paying attentions or speeding. Don't get me started on cell phones and texting.... So the question for me is Highway vs. City driving. I will now avoid afternoon city routes on the way back from work if at all possible. After getting hit in car with only 3k miles makes you rethink your options.
Don't assume that there is nothing but bumper cover damages as there is a whole assembly of parts under there between the bumper cover and the frame that is designed to absorb the shock. In addition to insisting that the frame be put on a laser measurement device and the results compared with the Prius's original, make sure that all the parts that may have been used up by the impact get replaced like shocks between bumper cover and frame and other parts designed to crumple and protect you. You want the whole assembly to work the next time and so does the insurance company lest you get hurt. Cars you can replace ...
I hope everyone is OK. When this happened to my wife when we lived in NJ, we got sued by the car in front even though clearly it was the fault of the guy who hit her. The law suit on us was tossed out eventually.
I hear you loud and clear.... That was my almost accident this past week with the sedan running a stop sign when I was on a main road and I have a mere 1584 on the odometer... getting my right front side crumpled or getting T-boned might have made me quite unpleasant to be around when it was the other person's fault.... I have gotten very defensive in my driving and if folks get impatient they can go around me to whatever fate awaits them.
IMPORTANT: Here is something your insurance company will not tell you. When your car has been in an accident, they will pay for repairs & pay for a loaner. What they will not tell you is that you are entitled to an additional sum of money for the decrease in value of your car. A car that has been in an accident is worth less than one that hasn't. The repair place will report your car to CarFax and not tell you. I just learned this the hard way when trading in my Lexus SUV that had been in an accident several years ago. I had forgotten all about it. It was not serious; front hood bent and replaced. A dealership that was looking at my car for trade said it was only worth a certain amount, due to the accident, which came up on the CarFax which they pulled on the car while I was haggling with them over price on the new car. My repair guy, who I am on very good terms with, never mentioned he reported me to CarFax. You need to demand this diminution in value component of your damage from your insurance company.
CarFax reporting is not mandatory and not everyone does it. If it is a concern ask the shop doing the repairs if they do report to CarFax. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
Glad to hear you're ok. You have State Farm and they are really excellent. Your local agent should be able to recommend several local body shops. They work with body shops all the time, and he'll have a good idea of which shops his customers have been happy with. He'd rather you get a repair you're happy with than have you come back with a complaint. You also probably qualify for a fully covered rental car, also paid for by the other guy's insurance.
Really good to hear you're okay and that the Prius holds up well in an accident. The reaon I even have a Prius is because I got in an accident and totaled my car... So I am very nervous on the road right now. But I feel safe in my prius, especially after reding stories like this one!
Thank you for asking. Healthwise OK and no whiplash. The reason is I braced myself with a stiff arm and held on to the steering wheel with both arms as a pushed back on the seat back rest JUST before the impact on my rear bumper....(view in the rearview mirror). My head was firmly against the headrest. State Farm says initial estimate for two bumpers is $1460 including the Blizard Pearl matching paint. Thats the estimate before the bumpers come off... State farm also says the truck that hit me from my rear is 100% at fault and liable. Unfortunately after one week, State Farm has not OK'd the body shop for me to take the auto there...rumored repair to be 5 days. My driving has indeed been more cautious as I avoid the right hand lane during the more heavy city traffic. The biggest impact for me following the accident is the view in the rearview mirror is just as important as with the view in the front. Tailgators are not as tolerated as before...because during a sudden stop in traffic, they're prime for hitting me.
Glad to hear you are OK - hopefully State Farm will approve a good body shop to get your baby back in one structurally sound, healthy piece.
Happened to me once, I immediately got out unhurt and went to the front car and asked him if he was OK and asked him to remember that he heard me get hit before he got hit. Lawman took one look and some quick pictures/notes and left, the insurance companies assigned the blame to the third car in line, not me.