Changed the oil in the truck while ago. Thought someone might want to see what I use to drain my old filters before I cut them open to look or simply throw them away. I've been using this for over a decade. It isn't likely to wear out any time soon. I've put as many as three small filters in it at one time, but it can hold two normal sized filters. I use a sharpened nail punch or a nail to put a hole in the filters. I hold it in the vise for that. If the vise was unavailable I'd probably use a drill with a 1/8" -ish bit. If I were going to cut it open for a look, I'd let it sit until the next weekend. If to throw away, a few days or until trash day. The filter has been on the truck so long it has started to rust around the gasket! This was it's 100,000 mile oil change. The last one was 23 months and 3500 miles ago. I hope someone finds this useful.
Around here, used oil filters can be recycled at the same place you drop off the used oil. I'm not sure what they do with them exactly, but it's better than throwing them in the garbage.