Have been over the entire car and cannot put my hands on the wheel lock key. Did you get it handed to you by the dealership or is it hiding somewhere in the car? Called the dealership this morning and they checked three cars and can't find the key in those either. Waiting to hear back...
That's where I found mine. Was looking for something silver but it was in plastic bag instead. Had to reach pretty far in to find it.
Awesome. In a rolled up plastic sleeve exactly there. Called the dealership back, now they know as well. Many thanks for the quick resolve Marcus.
So at least we now can get a tire off if we ever have to. Then again, nothing to replace it with except a can of gook that you don't even need the wheel lock key to use lol. Wonder what those dealers who didn't know planned on doing when the first tire rotations came due?
Sorry slcMPG. Not sure what I was going there - did not scroll up far enough I guess. A misappropriated thanks corrected. I'm sure the dealership would have figured it out sooner or later. Was looking at the contract of sale last night for the "prices paid on a PIP" thread and saw the $67 for wheel locks line item. Got to thinking about the key, and looked for the first time this morning. Very helpful group here. Thanks again!
Ha! That's where mine is too. I got the car shipped from a different dealership when I bought it, and 4 service people looked all over the car for the key. Eventually they ordered a new one from the parts department. I'll have to tell them to start checking here.
Your front tow hook /tie down is also in with the jack. You screw it in where the two squares are in the front bumper.
I'm assuming this is an aftermarket item, or do all PiP's come with wheel locks now? Don't remember seeing one when I last cleaned the car.
it's a dealer-installed accessory. which costs you $70 and probably costs the dealer $10, so an easy way for them to make money. so it comes on a lot of vehicles. but mine didn't have it.
If it's Dealer-Installed, why are they saying the Key is in the Jack case under the driver seat? Are the locks Standard on Advanced PIPs? Nope, that's not it. All the users above ALSO have Base PIPs. I have a Base PIP.
Heh. I just took mine in for its first service and got a call that they couldn't find the key. This was the first I knew about the wheel locks - how irritating! On the other hand, I knew you all would have the scoop, thanks once again. The dealer couldn't find the key and just used their master, but I'll peer under the drivers seat as soon as I go pick it up. [edit]: Yup, of course, it was there. I told the service rep who said he would educate his techs. I can see why you wouldn't find it if you didn't know just where to look!
No, they don't. Gosh, you guys scared me. I'd be pissed if I paid even 1 dollar for this rubbish lock. Nobody steals stock rims. All this lock will do is delay or prevent me or whoever I take the car to take off the tire if I misplace the key. I hated having to keep track of that lock for my previous car. Sometimes, they put it in the glove. Sometimes, they put it in the trunk with the spare. I'm glad I don't have it on my PiP.