He is correct. I bought mine out of state and I am able to claim the CVRP rebate. I talked to somebody in the office and he confirmed by asking the head person there. Just as long as your register it in CA after you buy it.
Thank you for the reply! Anyone know about how sales taxes work? How do you make it so you don't have to pay the sales taxes where you buy the car and only those in your home state?
I never bought a car out-of-state but this is all standard stuff for dealers who sell to out-of-staters. You pay the sales taxes and get incentives based on the state you register the car in. The main issue you have is making sure you can get the Toyota discount you want and 0% financing ahead of time. You need to identify a dealer experienced in out-of-state deals and firm up the deal to see if you have a deal. The 2012's are getting sold...especially in CA the 2012 supply is dwindling and the deals do not apply to 2013 models... Dianne in CA mentioned she is close to starting selling 2013 PiP's.
I bought PIP Advanced in NH. Sticker is (minus options) $39,525. I got $5500 in manufacturer/loyalty rebates. My 2009 Prius II traded in with value of $7000. With all that said and done, I'm paying 0% APR for 60 months on $37,456.20. $895 in Gap Ins., $1540 in accessories, $395 admin and $2095 extended care.
The dealer charged me the tax based on the rate in my town. Then, after the sale, they sent me a check for that amount made out ot our state's DMV, and I took it in there, showed them the bill of sale, and gave them the check for the tax.
I just got back at 5 am from a trip to NY to pick up my Advanced BP. Per earlier post in this thread I paid $35,300 OTD. That does not include the $2,500 Fed Tax Credit which brings the net to $ 32,800. I also got another $9K trade in on my beloved 2008 Prius. I found out that WI sales tax (5.5%) is reduced by the trade in so that saved me another $495. The dealer also accepted another $10K downpayment on my MC credit card which nets me $100 and I negotiated All-weather mats as part of the deal. Long, tiring drive which was necessary because of trade-in. Learned much on the drive back. The laser cruse control is one of the best features I can imagine. Still learning on after day one. What is the best default screen to have on when you are just driving around locally? Love the toys in the Advanced.
two corrects: CC is radar-based, not laser-based. which means it's more expensive and also more accurate re: screen, still haven't that figured that out after nearly two months of owning the car. generally, if i'm using bluetooth audio, i set it to audio, otherwise, i set it to car Energy Flow screen of the Car button.
Yeah, I knew I had the wrong term. It really works amazingly well. rarely need to touch either the break or accelerator when on CC--even in moderate highway traffic. Thanks for the catch--and tips.
just one thing, it must be registered as a new car. you can't get the rebate on a used PiP, even if it was bought less than 36 months ago. you also can't get the rebate on a "new" PiP if it's been registered in another state previously, regardless of who was the purchaser.
actually, just to clarify, does your "OTD" price include taxes or no? want to add this to the spreadsheet.
Purchase Price: $25,988.00 Invoice if known: Sticker: $33,054 Model: Standard Purchased at Boch Toyota, Norwood, MA Additional incentives: 0% financing, Rebate: $2,500 Fed. Tax Credit, $4000.00 TFS Retail Subvention Cash, $500.00 for trading a Prius
no doubt Advanced has some nice toys (love the LED lights!). drcc confused me at first but after rereading the manual and logging a few miles, various conditions, now use it often on long drives. my default screen is the fuel consumption page (under Info-Apps).
What do you get for the $2095 you paid for extended care? Also, doing the math on your figures, it looks like your loan ought to be about $31950. Is the rest all in taxes?
I had a trade-in that increased the loan by $8000. Also, we got extended care because I'll be driving this car 25-30,000 miles a year. No taxes in NH
I purchased my 2012 base PiP from DCH Simi Valley for $30,700. Tax and license extra, of course. EDIT - For clarity, this is not including any tax incentives. It's just the sales price listed on the sale contract. With Federal and California rebates, the sale price is $26,700. With tax and license (on $30,700) it's about $28,790.
You might want to read a few posts beginning with #241 in this thread re the extended care service policies. They seem to be way overpriced for what they deliver. Now if you're talking about an extended warranty, that's different, but still overpriced by most dealers. You can buy them through a Toyota salesperson who lists here on PC. I think there is a cooling off period during which you can cancel those policies and obtain a full refund. As you probably know from owning a Prius prior to your PiP, they don't require much beyond oil changes and tire rotations. If routine maintenance if all the policy covers, it is a real money-maker for the dealership.
just to clarify, what does your "purchase price" include? does include the federal tax credit and $500 trade-in bonus?