Hi Gang, Got the call this morning that my new Seaside Pearl #7 is here. I will be picking it up later this week when the new title arrives. Can't wait! I've been reading through the archives and the prius pickup checklist, which has been a big help. Now I'm working on a list of "care and feeding" tasks that should be done right away to keep the car looking and performing its best. Below is the to-do list I've developed so far. FYI, I live in Central NY where tons of road salt and sand are used all winter long. 1) Have car hand-waxed to protect against salt/sand/etc! (will prob. zaino in spring) 2) Thoroughly Scotchguard new fabric and carpets 3) Buy/install new cargo area floor mat 4) Buy/install heavy-duty rubber floor mats 6) Install winter tires (exact brand still TBD) What other preventative or performance-related measures should I consider taking ASAP? All advice and suggestions appreciated! --Bonny G.
Use the Zaino right away. I've always gotten about 6 months out of two coats of Zaino properly applied. Wax is harder to do a good job with (harder to polish off after drying) and I have never found any brand of wax that wasn't mostly gone after a month. (I've always liked the CarCareOnLine comment that Zymol wax lasts about as long as it takes to put on!) Use the ZFX with Z5 or Z2. It only takes about 1.5 oz per coat and use the gloss enhancer after each coat. I did mine in my one car garage the day after I got my '06. I have been using Zaino as a satisfied customer for 5 years now. Before that, I tried every wax under the sun for 35 years. You will be much happier using the Zaino. - Tom
Must be a US thing. I tried looking and there's no Zaino up here =(. Bonny, I think you got most, if not everything covered.
Over on detailcity.com, there was a thread about favorite "Winter Combos". The three responses I remember were: 1) A guy who had 18 coats of 4-Star Ultimate Paint Protection on his wife's car and 22 on his. 2) A few people who recommended Collinite 476, often on top of Klasse SG 3) Several who said all they needed was 2-3 coats of Zaino and they were set until Spring Here's the URL: http://www.detailcity.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13682
But did you try Zymol Vintage Glaze at $1700 a jar :lol: Makes Pinnacle Souveran at $70 a can look cheap! http://www.autoanything.com/products/produ...l_vintage_glaze
Wow! No, the stuff I used was the original before Turtle Wax bought them out. Smelled like a Pina Colada, beautiful shine, gone in less than a week. I finally threw the rest of the bottle out. - Tom
One thing to add to the "things for the new car list" would be to put mudflaps on. I put them on my '06 and Barb's '05 the first day I had each car. Got one set from Metropolitan and the other from Toyota Canada. Toyota Canada is cheaper, but the shipping is higher so the cost is a wash unless you're odering something else like the block heater at the same time. Mudflaps really keep the sides of the car cleaner in winter driving. I expect the front ones do most of the work. http://www.metrotpn.com/ http://www.toyotadepot.com/product_info.ph...products_id/153 - Tom
I caution about several of your plans: 2) Thoroughly Scotchguard new fabric and carpets This is unnecessary with the fabric interior, and it may damage some plastic parts on the door or dash. If you are concerned about heavy dirt (dogs, kids), invest in a set of GT Covers for the car. They fit and look like original cover material. 4) Buy/install heavy-duty rubber floor mats Beware that some rubbers on the back of floor mats will react chemically with the carpet material and stain it. My cheap Pep Boys mats have discolored my factory floormats. Try the clear plasticy ones if you expect junk like dirty snow to be tracked in.
wow, they discolored your floormats?? that's nasty. i'd recommend replacing the regular mats with the oem all weather mats. we love them.
Thanks everybody! Just got back from the dealer -- they say they'll hand wax the car for me before I pick it up. I'd really like to Zaino it now, but I don't have a heated garage and I'm not sure I'm up to the challenge of applying multiple coats of Zaino in sub-freezing temps. BRR! Mudflaps sound like a nice addition. Are the OEM ones the only good option or have folks had much luck with installing others? --Bonny G
I just purchased my Driftwood Prius this Saturday and have been thinking about getting seat covers as the light tan interior seems like it might stain easily with 2 kids and 2 dogs as occasional passengers. I'd like to get some nice form fitting covers. KTPhil, you mentioned GT Covers above. Is this a brand name? Where did you come by them?