This morning it was COLD !!! I had the Fan on, with No Defog (Defrost), with the Air Direction to the feet and windshield and Temp Control at 68 degF. Before I got to work I pressed the Temp Control OFF button. After work I wanted the Fan on, but NO Heat. Yet you can't lower the Temp Control to LO without turning on the Fan first. As soon as the Fan came on, with the Temp Control at 68, the ICE immediately started. DAMN. I wish the PIP would give you a few seconds to lower the setting and keep the ICE off. Or Better Yet, give us an ICE Off switch.
Yes, I know that. My point is that if you don't, the ICE will start immediately when the Fan is started.
same thing happened to me tonite. i wonder if there's a tech reason why you can't change the temp with the fan off. i think you get a few seconds from ready until the ice fires. that's not enough for my brain.
So maybe I can Start the PIP, immediately turn on the Fan and turn down the Temp Control to LO, before the ICE starts ??? I'll try it.
I would imagine that as long as Lo is higher than the outside temp, having the fan on is going to start the ICE to pull the temp of the interior up to the Lo setting.
the workaround is to put the car into ON mode first, adjust the temp, and then actually start. (in case you don't know what ON is, it's when you press the START button twice with NO foot on the brake pedal)
no. low is off. unless it's actually zero degrees. i run the fan all the time on foot/defrost and the ice nevr fires. move it up to 65 and it kicks right in.
also remember, the ICE can start at random with heater in LO entirely OFF. Mine has done this twice now on COLD mornings. As per the manual...the ICE may start when the hybrid system is too cold. To avoid this action it helps to have car finish charging just before you drive. I know this is a separate subject but thought i should post. Dan
I don't have a PiP, but I wish that they would change the Temp Control Off switch to just a Temp Control switch. One press on, the next press off. This way you can have your presets (fan speed & temp) and just toggle them with this switch. For instance, if you are in HV mode and just want to get some heat, you just press the Temp Control switch for a minute or two. Then when you don't want it you press it again. No fiddling with the fan speed or temp setting adjustments.
agreed. funny how they give the fan an off switch so you can leave it at the same number of bars but not the temp.
The system was on low when I took off and the engine stayed off, but about 10 minutes later, the ICE did come on.
OK, it worked. First I turned off the Temp Control with it set at 68 deg and the fan on 2 bars. I them turned off the PIP. I tried to just put the car in ON without starting, but the fan wouldn't start. Strange. So I started the PIP and Quickly turned on the Fan and Quickly lowered the Temp Control to LO. The ICE didn't start. GREAT. The fan was on and no heat. Later while driving I increased the Temp Control and the ICE immediately started. Now I'm wondering if I can change the Fan and Temp Control BEFORE putting the PIP into gear and not start the ICE. I'll try Sat or Sunday.
interesting, what was the air temp? went out tonite, 31 degrees,temp on low and fan off. ice never came on. after 1/2 hour or so, turned the fan on and raised the temp, ice kicked right in. turned the temp down a little later and the ice shut off.