Concerned about the placement of the AUX input

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by acousticbiker, Dec 5, 2005.

  1. acousticbiker

    acousticbiker New Member

    Sep 12, 2005
    Evergreen, CO
    I'm waiting for an '06 Seaside Pearl #8 and have been enjoying posts by those lucky enough to have their '06 already. The only detail that I find myself not liking so far is the placement of the AUX input inside the center console. I think I read somewhere that the MFD will not be able to control an MP3 player connected to the AUX. So where do you position your MP3 player (in my case, Treo 650) so that there is not a wire dangling (if, for example, you put it on a vent mount) and so that you could access the buttons to control the player (not easily done with the player put into the little area inside the console just above the AUX input that is apparently to hold your MP3 player)? I wish they had just put the AUX input by the stereo, which is the logical place. Anyone else with thoughts/suggestions or real experience with an '06?
  2. sunnysandiegan

    sunnysandiegan New Member

    Dec 4, 2005
    I am certainly not an expert since we do not own an '06 Prius yet...

    However, when we test drove an '06 on Saturday, my DH brought along his iPod to test this feature. He put his iPod in the front cupholder and the cord was mostly inside the center console...only visible from the console to the iPod. It blended in well enough for me, but I would have thought they would have designed this feature a bit better. It's certainly not stopping me from buying an '06, though!!! :D
  3. bob dylan

    bob dylan New Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    Orange County, California
    I have an '06 Prius package 8.
    The Aux Input IS in a weird spot, however...

    I've been driving all week with my iPod in the tray, which comes in the center armrest console.
    It fits in there fine, and is hidden from view, and simply shuffles all day.

    I do with I could stash it somehow in one of the front cup holders, and be able to close the cupholder (with iPod in it, when not in use).

    I'm someone here will figure out a good place and rewiring workaround, but for now, the center armrest area works, and it's not too bad.

  4. gjertsen

    gjertsen Junior Member

    Oct 20, 2005
    Just picked up my 06 package 3 on 1/14... I thought the AUX input placement was funny at first, too. But actually, it's very logical.

    As mentioned earlier, the front cupholder is probably the best spot for the iPod. However, if you plan on leaving the iPod in the car sometimes (or ever) then it's probably a good idea to stow it away where the AUX input lives, so that it doesn't bait people to break into your car.

    In any case, it is possible to close that compartment with a mini-to-mini audio cable passing through and not have it pinch the cable. I just verified that to be the case.
  5. Kiloran

    Kiloran New Member

    Aug 31, 2005
    Actually, if they could only have one AUX input, I prefer it in the center console for exactly the reason listed, no dangling wires.
    I hook up my IPOD, select a playlist, leave the IPOD in the center console or in a cupholder, and close the center console.

    It would probably have been better overall if the radio had an additional AUX input on the front of the radio as well but, if we can't have both, I like it the way it is.

    My 2p.
  6. gas hater

    gas hater New Member

    Nov 25, 2005
    Long Beach California
    I bought the cable from radio shack for 12.00, and plug it from the iPod into the aux outlet. I just rest the iPod on top of the center console. The cable I have is pretty thick and fits fine out of the side of the console without being pinched. My last car only had AM/FM for the last six months so this is a godsend. :D
  7. tjbrooks

    tjbrooks New Member

    Sep 12, 2005
    Los Alamitos, CA
    If you have an iPod, I recommend you look at the Belkin iPod Auto Kit. It's perfect for Prius owners. I got mine for $40 from Target, but you can get it from Amazon for under $30.

    More info on Belkin's site

    It's basically just a car charger for the iPod, that plugs in to the dock connection at the bottom of your iPod. Except.....

    it also has a line-out w/ built-in amplifier at the base (where you plug it in to the outlet). I just connect the base to the Prius AUX input with a tiny 1/8" patch connector. So I have one straight (white) wire coming out. And it connects to the bottom of the iPod so it is secured to the top of the first cupholder when the center console is closed.

    I can post some pictures if anybody would like to see how I've got it set up.

    Even better is that when you power off the Prius (or unplug the adapter from the outlet), it pauses your music. No more accidentally leaving the thing running during work. Keep your place and your power. This is very handy with my Harry Potter audiobooks. No more scanning through the 45 minute chapters for my last place.

    Sorry to the OP, I don't think a Treo has the same thing available, but you might want to check Belkin just to be sure.
  8. flynz4

    flynz4 Member

    Dec 17, 2005
    Portland, OR
    2015 Prius v wagon
    I have the same adapter as tjbrooks and I think that it is currently the best adapter out there if you need to supply power to your device. Otherwise, a simple patch cable is just fine.

    I think the Belkin device would be better if they could dump the internal amplifier... and simply pass on the line-level audio. I am hoping that they make that change soon.

    I am considering getting an iPod Nano as a second device. It does not have very much storage capacity... but it has very long play time and would be a good secondary unit for use during my long international flights, which really push the limits of a traditional iPod's battery. That way I could listen to my regular iPod until the battery died... then switch to the more limited Nano.

    If I get the Nano... I doubt that I would bother trying to charge it in the car. The battery life is so long that I would not find it necessary. Actually... once Toyota starts offering the "approved XM" radio for the Prius... I will probably not use an iPod at all in the car.

  9. AlphaTeam

    AlphaTeam Member

    Jul 17, 2004
    2006 Prius
    I love the input exactly where it is. For one it is right next to a power source. 2. you can stash it right in the little tray in the arm rest. It is out of sight. I do sometimes put it in the cup holder. No big deal there either.

    As for it not controlling the MP3 player. There are 5 bazillion MP3 players out there. There is no way to make it suitable for all players. Then you say. "The iPod is the most popular why not make it work with that?" Well. Who is to say that Apple with have the same connector 5 years from now? I expect my Prius to last much longer than my iPod. So someone is then stuck with an out of date connector that you can't use because they make a different iPod now and can't use it at all.
  10. AlphaTeam

    AlphaTeam Member

    Jul 17, 2004
    2006 Prius
    There is one feature I just found out about. It is very handy with audiobooks. If you go to iTunes and select the MP3 for your audio book. Right-click-->Get Info-->Options tab. Select "Remember play back position" and it will put a virtual book mark where you stopped. You can even go play another track and come back and it will be saved. The only freaking stupid Apple and their programmers. You have to do it for each file individually. You can't mass select files and do them all at once.
  11. Kiloran

    Kiloran New Member

    Aug 31, 2005
    Actually, it would be very straightforward for the Prius (future model year) to support virtually all MP3 players.
    Toyota would need to provide a USB port instead of or in addition to the AUX input.
    Additionally, the CD player would need to be able to read data (like the CD in a computer) so that Prius drivers for unknown MP3 players could be loaded.
    None of this would be at all difficult or dangerous for Toyota to implement.
    It might add some to the cost but the ability to support USB could make integrating other devices easier and, therefore, make the car even more attractive to geeky folks like us. B)
  12. tjbrooks

    tjbrooks New Member

    Sep 12, 2005
    Los Alamitos, CA
    Great tip! Thanks! Luckily I combined all the chapter files together, so it will be 30 files to edit, rather than 300.
  13. chinook-hybrid

    chinook-hybrid New Member

    Jan 1, 2006
    South Sound, WA

    I agree with Alphateam. I like the fact I can store my iPod out of the way and still get the benefit of rich sound instead of having to use my old iTrip. Besides until they come out with a voice activated control for an mp3 player it isn't all that safe to try to drive and search for your next song. I use the play list feature of Itunes to create the listening experience I desire. Instead of attempting to find the song I want to hear I keep my attention on the road -- where it should be.

    I have been to one to many MVA's in my time and don't wish to be the cause of one.
  14. AlphaTeam

    AlphaTeam Member

    Jul 17, 2004
    2006 Prius
    You would still need a universal interface to use a player. WIth the iPod it is not just files on there to play. There is no organizing them in to folders. With 60GB of songs in one folder is just chaos. WHile it CAN be used as a removable storage device it is not the same as the files being on the iPod.

    Also that is saying they all have a USB inteface. There are several MP3 Players that use some sort of removable media. You put it with a SD Card in to card reader on the computer then put the SD Card in to the player once the files are on there. My Palm is that way. You can not just plug its USB cable and control what is on there, even though it is a MP3 Player.

    I suppose if you could simply plug a USB card reader with a memory card in to the stereo that would essentially be the same thing. A storage device for your files.

    So...I just see too many variables for them to have one interface to rule them all.
    But hey that is just my 2 cents?!?
  15. roryjr

    roryjr Member

    Sep 9, 2005
    Warrenton, NC
    Anyone have a Creative Jukebox Nomad? I tried it on a test drive the other day and it seemed to work just fine. I don't think you can control it with the car. I set some music and went. If there is a way to control it without touching it, let me know.
  16. 1playwonder

    1playwonder Junior Member

    Dec 23, 2005
    Modesto, CA
    I went to radio shack and got the shortest cord available for my iPod. When I need to change songs or playlists it gets a little frustrating. But overall I like the placement of the AUX. I have had players with cords dangling in most of my old vehicles, and I hated it. So on first impression, I didn't like the AUX placement. But now after using it for a few weeks I've actually come to appreciate the no-clutter, no-cords-dangling, clean and organized look.
  17. flynz4

    flynz4 Member

    Dec 17, 2005
    Portland, OR
    2015 Prius v wagon
    I was responsible for the development, and industry deployment of USB... and I was the original chairman of the USB implementer's forum. It was probably one of the most fun jobs that I've ever had in my life. Clearly we were interested in new applications for the PC including digital photography, digital music, digital gaming etc. However... I don't think it ever really dawned on me that someday my car might have USB connectors :)

  18. Kiloran

    Kiloran New Member

    Aug 31, 2005
  19. flynz4

    flynz4 Member

    Dec 17, 2005
    Portland, OR
    2015 Prius v wagon
    I am confused. How would the "device dependent" drivers ever get loaded into the Prius? Certainly the MDF is not an open architectrue where it can be changed depending on which type of device you want to use. Creating such an open interface is extremely unlikely since Toyota would not want new drivers to inteterfere with primary functions.

    What is totally possible... and I believe being implemented in some other cars now... is a flash card interface in the stereo where you can insert a flash card with multiple files/folders on it with your digital music. In this case the mp3 player is built into the radio... and the flash card interface simply provides the data. No user interfaces, controls, etc beyond what is provided in the radio.

    Currently flash cards are small and cannot hold a reasonable sized music collection... but they are on a convergence path to do that. In the mean time, they can hold reasonable amounts of music and still quite useful.

  20. Kiloran

    Kiloran New Member

    Aug 31, 2005
    You are correct. The current Prius could not support this.
    The driver could be loaded from a CD, just like your computer CD can play music as well as hold data.

    Possible but wouldn't you, the consumer, prefer to be able to plug your MP3 player in instead of having yet another music device?