I see a lot of threads concerning the radio quality of the base PIP but didn't find one that really answers my question. I have a 2010 Gen 3 and now a PIP. On Gen 3, volume NEVER has to be changed when going between AM/FM, CD or Sat. On PIP, everything is fine except AM. If I have it set to Vol 25 everything is fine until I switch to an AM station. Then I need at least 35 to actually be able to listen. I could see if AM and FM had problem vs Sat but why only AM? Anyone else have this issue? Only good thing is most sports talk radio in NY area is moving to FM so eventually I can eliminate AM entirely. Still doesn't explain though why AM would be so bad. And it isn't just any one station in particular. AM stations that sound fine on Gen 3 don't on PIP unless Vol cranked way up. Before I complain to dealer thought I would see if anyone else has same issue.
Can you use your smart phone and the I heart radio app to get your favorite stations? I have the same problem except AM/FM both broadcast at a lower level than SAT and B/T. I have to raise the volume 10-15 higher with FM/AM. Thanks
I read many threads about AM/FM being "different" from SAT. Doesn't seem to be my problem as FM is fine. Don't use AM very much so not a big issue. Just wondered if anyone else has AM ONLY problem.
Back in the days when they really put some effort and pride in the design and construction of audio products, automobile radios included, the design engineers would actually test and design so when you switched from one audio source to another, with a "Standard" test level from each input AM,FM,Tape, they were all balanced! Nice. Nowadays, I bet most radios built use the same FM/AM radio on a chip, external inputs for Sat CD/DVD or AUX. The problem, no one is taking the time to actually measure, with those same reference standards I spoke of earlier! Then BALANCE everything so these audio level problems cease to exist! It basically comes down to, "Hey Design Engineers, get off your fat asses, run some level tests, calculate the proper level matching pads, and build a couple, actually TEST THEM, recalculate if necessary, then run that 20 million unit run for Toyota! Yes it's a couple thousand less to just take the first run and go with it! The customer will never notice..... Plus, it would certainly beat having a recall on FM radios because the audio completely sucks!