I'm getting bizarre behavior from the Nav on the Greenway and Dulles Toll Road in Northern VA. The directions look OK at the beginning but as I'm driving it tells me to get off at every single exit and I believe it then wants me to get right back on the highway. Anyone else have this problem?
May want to check some of the Nav settings. There are route settings that let you select quickest route, or no freeways, etc. I had a problem in which I had the "no freeways" setting on accidently trying to get a Nav guidance from Las Vegas to LA. After driving along the local streets for a while I realized something was wrong. Good luck.
Thanks for the reply but I have checked that. And I looked at the directions it chose on the map before I left and they appeared to correctly had me take the highway until my final exit. But when I'm actually driving it constantly wants me to get off and then take the ramp right back on.
Is it possible that setting a much lower freeway speed than surface street speed in your preferences could cause this behavior? It might think the fastest route is to get off the freeway and then get back on. Just a wild guess, I've no idea if this can even be done, or if it would cause the behavior you've observed.
Mine did the same thing when I drove it home from the dealers. Ended up there was a destination point already entered in the nav was trying to direct me to.
That's exactly what I thought too. The first time I tried to use the Nav it favored much slower local roads that were slightly shorter in distance. To correct that I exaggerated the average speed difference and put the highway at 75 and major roads (or whatever the next one down is called) at 25 or 30. That led to it no longer trying to send me on local roads but instead trying to get me to get off and then back on the highway. I'd be curious to hear from people in my area. It really seems to hate the Greenway from Leesburg to Dulles Airport. The Greenway is an unusual road because it's a privately operated highway with a high toll. It was an experiment by Virginia to have a privately funded and operated highway built that the state couldn't afford to build with tax money. It has regular traffic laws and is policed by county officers. I don't know if this has anything to do with it but the Nav seems to do everything possible to avoid it. Several times it's given me crazy out of the way routes that avoid this road. Yet it is aware of the road. Maybe it thinks it's a local road and not a highway. Nonetheless, when I looked at the map it appeared that it did have me taking the Greenway. Perhaps I misread it and it was directing me to take the much slower, traffic light filled road that somewhat parallels this highway. That would explain why it wanted me to get off at each exit. But it sure looked like it then wanted me to get right back on. The only explanation I can think of (besides operator error :/ ) is that it does have the Greenway marked as a slow road so every exit would appear to be slightly faster then staying on the highway.
I figured it out. There is an option to avoid toll roads and that was on. I think I was just mistaken when I thought it was trying to take me on the highway. It must have been guiding me to the non-toll parallel road. Now that I've enabled toll roads it gives me sensible directions. Thanks for the help.
Routed on I-20 in SC (3.1, now gone for 4.2), occasionally one exit told me to get off then right back on. Never knew why. Always annoyed, thinking this was going to be an adventure...