I have a v Base (no GPS) but this probably will work with other models too. 1. Park in a dark garage or cover the light sensor 2. Turn your car on (READY mode) 3. Turn on the radio and press SETUP 4. Press Display (Top right of the MFD), the DISPLAY SETTINGS screen appears. 5. Turn on the lights. The MFD should dim and the DISPLAY SETTINGS screen will change. If it doesn't, some light is being detected by the light sensor. Please make sure it is well covered 6. Press GENERAL 7. Mine is set with the contrast full left and the brightness at 2 pips right of center. Press >> to change between brightness and contrast. Remember you're setting the NIGHT brightness. Press OK then BACK when done. 8. To set the daytime brightness and contrast, turn off the lights at the DISPLAY SETTINGS screen Hope this is useful...
THANKS! I didn't realize it would do that and was just thinking the other night, while driving at night for the first time, how bright that screen seemed.