Looking to replace my current Nokian WR G2. I've got about 45K on them and they need replaced before winter. This will be on a 2008 Prius Touring (stock size 195/55/R16). I was originally going to replace the Nokian WR G2 with another set, but after reading the review on the Hankook Optimo H727 I'm having second thoughts. They have a 5 year, 100K warranty and are VERY highly user rated. The only concern I have is that the Hankook is only available in 205/55/R16 as opposed to the Nokian being available in my stock size. I've read a lot of folks have ran the 205/55/R16 without issue and it throws off the speedo only 1.8%. Would the slightly larger size put any more wear/stress on my Prius? What about MPG? Which has better wet & snow traction?
I have Nokian and like them! Hankook are less money and I am not sure they are LRR. People that have them seem to like them however. H
I just switched from Nokian WR G2's to Michelin Defender. Consumer reports rates the Defender best in class among the remaining tires. The Nokian WR G2's only last about 35K on my car. I do about 90% highway driving and I have burned through two sets of Nokian's before the 50K mi warranty. I decided to try Michelin for a change since it offers a 90K mi warranty. Not to mention the $70 rebate on the tires for November!
For snow and general use the Ecopia EP422 rates well and it is much more fuel efficient than the H727. It's only rated for 65k miles but the higher efficiency makes up for less miles. With the $70 rebate they are a great price. Like the H727 it's not a great tire for handling or ultimate traction except on snow compared to other all-season tires. Tire Test Results : Eco-Focused All-Season Tires: Do They Deliver on the Promise?
The EP422 comes in your OE size. I consider them a decent tire but if you don't care about fuel efficiency then one of those other choices is fine. The 205/55/16 is larger than stock but will work as long as you're not using lowering springs. You may also lose a little fuel efficiency if the tire is much heavier.
There is absolutely no problem going to 205/55/16 on the Prius. I run this size using Hankook Kinergy Eco with improved MPG. The speedo on the car will be more accurate with this size of tyre There is also a much greater choice of tyres and they are also cheaper at this size in the UK by between 20% to 25%. Unfortunately the 727's are not listed on the UK/EU Hankook web sight so I cannot give you accurate rolling resistance or grip data against other tyres but most Hankooks listed seem to be LRR especially compared to other makes. Even some of the winter snow tyres are well rated for rolling resistance.
No the 205 tyres are only 10mm wider than the 195s that's less than 1/2 an inch or 1/4 inch on inside and outside of tyre. This does help to protect the plastic wheel trims from being scratched when parking against the curb.
I like to run a high tire pressure for better MPG. Since the 205 is slightly wider would there be more of a chance for it to pop off the rim? DROID RAZR ? 2
No the tyre is perfectly safe and is specified to fit the Prius size rims by the tyre manufacturers. I run higher pressure on my car.
The handling cornering and strait line stability of the car is greatly improved by going up to the 205/55/16 tyres. In my honest opinion there is no downside to changing providing you choose LRR tyres. My own figures improved on the OEM Bridgestone Turanza's ER300 195/55/16's by at leased 3mpg.