Hahaha!!! 1 week, no deposit, no $300 increase fee. I talked to the dealer in early April. Just asked how much out the door was, options, wait time, etc. I told him what I wanted (Silver, Option #9). I didn't tell him I wanted it. I didn't offer to put a down payment on it. Just basic questions and said my goodbye. So last week he tells me that he was getting in a shipment with exactly what I wanted. I told him that I didn't have a deposit or anything. I asked did I have to put one down? He said don't worry about it. Yesterday he calls me and tells me the car is here and I can pick it up tomorrow (5/21). So I guess I'm gonna get a Prius and back into debt Don't hate me because I'm beautiful! :mrgreen:
San Francisco City Toyota in Daly City They got 9 in. They were only suppose to get 2-3. Give them a call to see if any of them are reserved
I just called Frank at City Toyota and he said all the Priuses he's getting are going to people on the waitlist.
Sorr to hear that I just picked mine up about 2 hours ago! I love this thing. Only put 25 miles on it driving around SF. Hill? No problem. Silver #9. I'm one of u guyz now!!!
Must be nice to live in California. I think thats where all the prius' are. The dealership that I ordered mine from said they stopped taking orders since they had such a long wait. Apparently they have only been getting in one a month I have only seen one in my area (NE OHio).
Last weekend, I was at my dealer and he grabbed two arms-ful of folders. "These are the Prius orders." I'm right around number 50 of 75 right now. I put my name on the list in March; I'm the fifth silver #9. If a dealer around here circumvented someone on the list, there would be Hell to pay if the person ever found out. But I might speak for many of us long-term waiters when I say congratulations on your rapid turn-around and bite me. :mrgreen: -Tony
Tilley, I will be taking delivery on Monday. I got mine from Classic. I have been on the list since Feb 2nd. Not sure when you tried to put yours in. Classic has been getting 3-4 per month. I know their was in the 60's last month. I can only imaging it is longer now.
NOT FAIR! :x I've been waiting at (Daly) City Toyota for over a month and haven't heard from them since I gave them my deposit! I'm going to have a talk with them!