I will be getting my 06 silver #8 in about a week. I am from Seattle and found my Prius in Portland. I will need to drive back once I pick it up (about 250 miles) without ding protection. Wish me luck. I will definetly get the 3M Paint Protection once i get back to Seattle. I also want to get the black mask/bra just for looks. I've seen some Prii with it and I like it. One dealer told me that he did not recommend the bra because it causes paint and other kind of damage to the hood, water gets trapped under it and sits there, etc.... I thought that if I have the 3M intalled that it would protect my hood from the possible bra damage. Does anyone have any input on this? Thanks!
Interesting question. I'm awaiting my '06 also. Never heard of the 3M paint protection, though. I'm just as anxious as you for any replies. Good luck with your new car.
10 months with a prius. 10 months with a front end bra. no damage to paint under bra. it's a myth. i don't see a point to having both 3m and the vinyl bra. however, i've heard the bra for the 04-05 doesn't fit the 06 prius.
I've had black vinyl bras on my last 4 new cars, including 3 Priuses and my red Paseo convertible. The stuff you hear about paint damage under the bra is exaggerated, or at least it can be avoided with a little common sense. And yes, the 3M film would minimize or eliminate the friction from trapped grit if the bra were never taken off and cleaned. I remove my hood portion every car washing---it's small and can be taken off/put on in under a minute. The larger bumper section I take off about twice a year. But I also inspect under the top inch or so periodically to be sure there's no trapped dirt there. If there is, I pull it back with my finger and brush it out. If you don't apply a "clear bra" on the hood/bumper, at least put 2 or 3 coats of wax on them before putting a vinyl bra on. The Toyota vinyl bra is thick, and protects against dings from larger stones or road debris that would put small dents in the 3M film. On my '06, I may use the vinyl lower piece and put 3M on the hood as a compromise.
Only a short way on I-5, you should be fine unless one of the trucks throws a rock up at you. Just an idea but you could check with the dealer and see if they would install the bra before you pick up the car? I had lunch with the Portland meetup group Saturday and Bill Merchant was there with his car which has the 3M clear bra on it and it looks great, what I mean is you have to look close to see that it's there. BTW we would love to see you in Portland for our meeting next month: http://prius.meetup.com/136/
The Toyota bra does not fit the 2006 Prius. I purchased the bra, and could not get it to fit the lower bumper. There has been a change to the lower bumber (Black piece attached to it) I also called the manufacturer of the bra, and they are going to look into the changes Toyota made to the 2006 Prius. They said it could take 6 months to make the necessary changes to the bra.
Carlos, maybe you could work with the dealer, or directly with <a href=\'http://503motoring.com/\' target=\'_blank\'>503 Motoring</a>, to get the film installed before you drive back. I waited about a thousand miles and have a few tiny nicks in the bumper.