One of my two key fobs for a 2004 Prius was stolen and I would like to deactivate the stolen one and purchase a new fob. I read on-line that this was possible, but the dealer said that deactivating the stolen fob would also deactivate my remaining fob, so I would have to buy two new fobs. For one new fob, quoted price was $250 + 1.5 hours labor. Is the dealer correct or can I have them just deactivate the stolen fob?
Someone may come along and say otherwise, but I have a hard time understanding why the dealer could not de-activate the one lost fob and then add a new fob in its place. He may have to de-activate both fobs for some unknown reason but then he should be able to add back the other fob and then the new one.
try calling a automotive locksmith.. i think it will costs you less than that.. just ask him to replace the lost key.. anyway, the old keys will be deactivated once a new key is praired to the car but then jdcollins5 is right, you can reprogram back the other fobs.. have a look here for the procedures Toyota Corolla Key Fob programming ..
Thanks for the advice. Fortunately, the stolen key was found with the other contents of my stolen pants, except my cash, about a week after they were taken from a gym locker. Unfortunately, I don't have any light to shed on the deactivation question. I did find that Amazon and E-bay had new OEM key fobs for $150 - much less than the dealer. As Mark suggested, I was planning to call a couple of auto locksmiths and figure out my options.
Hey, guys, There's been so many threads on the subject of programming for fobs that I'm surprised that there are still questions of this type. First of all a fob DOESN'T get programmed to a car. The car's security system gets programmed to accept the registration of a new fob's ID (& it most always needs to be NEW to have full SKS functions---probably due to the rolling codes). And unless you want to pay some serious cash (to re-seed the system if you waited until you've lost the last working fob), you need to get a second fob as soon as possible. You need a fully functioning/working fob in order to access the car's system to add or delete fob registrations. You should be able to have up to 4 fobs registered to the car's computer at any given time. It's probably wisest to delete a lost or stolen one first because most people generally have only the original 2 fobs that came with the car. I don't know how you identify which fob is the working one in the car's registry so you don't delete the wrong one. If you do deactivate/delete the registration of the last working fob by accident, then you WILL need to pay the big bucks to re-seed the car's computer (maybe that's how the dealer you talked to is planning to pick your wallet clean).After you've deleted the missing/stolen one, try to add any new one(s). Actually, now that I'm typing this, I'm thinking as long as you have some way to differentiate which one is present & which one is lost, maybe you should add the one or 2 new ones first & THEN delete the missing one, because you'll have 2 or 3 working fobs registered in case you accidentally delete the wrong one. You still should be able to add the missing one back if you find it later (I know you got yours back, OHPrius, but I was just saying that if you had already had it deleted, maybe it still could have been re-registered). Anyways, I hope I never lose one of my fobs (how could I because it never comes out of my pocket), because then I would have to find out how accurate my own advice is. Oh, oh. Ken (in Bolton, Ct)