Having trouble with a 2006 pirus, P brake malfunction, Dtc C2304 Open or short in U phase. P3102-581, and C1310 HV malfunction, Yes the vehicle was crashed in the front gearbox side. Ive cheched wiring for open and short circuits all good, Replaced shift actuator, Still no joy Dtc only happens when i start moving, i'm loosing the ignition feed that powers up the P CON motor relay, coming from the transmission ecu, i,ve ran the trans ecu in another car, no problems, tryed another HV ECU AND POWER SOURCE Ecu from a breakers, still no joy, Im thinking Gearbox problem at this stage, Any Ideas? Thanks
It looks to me like the C2304 is a root cause, and the others are inhibition states, via the CAN bus, to disable motion. When you say "loosing the ignition feed that powers up the P CON motor relay", does that mean the the wire BMA from the Transmission Control ECU (Pin 14 on connector T4) has 0V when it should be 12V to operate the P CON relay? How is the P CON MTR fuse? What happens if you power up with the plug removed from the shift control actuator? I would expect that you would see C2304, C2305, C2306. If not, then that would be an AHA experience. It certainly looks like a problem with the harness or connectors. From the manual: If you say that you are sure those are OK, then you might try grasping at straws a bit and see what happens to the shift control actuator motor if you remove it from the transmission and try to power it up. I would double check to see that all three phases are identical.
yes pin 14 on the trans ecu looses the 12v and drops to 0v, U can leave the car runnimg all day no problem full 12volts, its only when you start to move off that the power is lost at pin 14 (BMA) and the relay closes. I can sit in the car all day and run tru the gears no problem, and use the P button on issue, when the vehicle starts to move it triggers the problem, I've checked the wiring harness for loose pins, and continuity between the actuator and ecu when moving/pulling harness, everything 100%.
Hmmm. It looks to me that the pin 14 high will close the P CON relay. That should make the parking actuator motor spin, and when it has reached its limit, that pin should should go low again to turn off the motor. How are you clearing the DTC? From the manual:
Intelligent tester clears dtc, or disconnect 12v battery. The p con main fuse 30 amp is in the Bus bar in the fuse box, its different on the LHD models, mine is a RHD drive, when i clear the dtc with IT2, Master warning light goes out, recheck codes none found.
So you are saying that the intelligent tester will clear C2304, but the manual says that ECU is not erased except with removal of the fuse. Even so removing the 12V for a few minutes should do it. Hopefully someone else has some ideas. I'm stumped for now.