I'm looking to make the move to a hybrid. I've looked at the Prius, Camry XLE, and the Lexus ES 300H. In terms of mileage, they're all in the same ballpark with the Prius coming out slightly ahead. But as you go up the continuum, the power and car comforts get noticeable better. Have hybrids gotten to the point where the buying decision question is no longer any different than purchasing a non-hybrid car? I like the Prius V, but the other cars, especially the Lexus (noted at a higher price tag) is noticeable a nicer ride/experience than the others. Thoughts?
Toyota's hybrid technology is mature enough that it earns reliability ratings similar to the rest of what Toyota does. In that sense, it seems to me that choosing among the hybrid cars you list really is like any other car buying choice. Basically, the choice to buy a hybrid comes down economically to whether you plan to keep the car long enough to make back the increased price. Or are there non-economic reasons to buy the hybrid for you? One thing I don't know are the specific milage numbers for the other cars you list--so I don't know exactly the tradeoff of mpgs for increased power and comfort. But I suspect that the tradeoff between the hybrid models on that score would be, percentagewise, similar to the tradeoff between non-hybrid models of the same type (though the basic Prius doesn't have a non-hybrid equivalent). You can check out whether this guess is correct. And finally, remember, no matter what you do, Your Milage May--make that Will--Vary. Have fun.
depends on what you consider 'the same ballpark. in reality, i get 65mpg in my prius compared to my wife getting 45mpg in her hycam. i love it for long trips, but i wouldn't give up the 20 extra mpg's as a daily driver!
Gas mileage WILL vary wit the different cars. The lower curb weight cars will get better mileage. I just bought a new Prius C with is the smallest of the bunch and I just got about 60 mpg on a 60 mile freeway trip with some traffic slowing me down. I doubt any hybrid Camery would get 60 mpg but the "C" can. But you give up some of the luxury car feel and ride. There is not "best" car but there is likey a "best match to your needs" car. If you are worried about the cost of fuel then you have to concider the cost of the car also. What I did was added the price of the car and the price of 6 years worth of fuel and when with the car that had the lowest total. That would be the Prius C1. But maybe you have other priorities then cost.
If you want more power and car comforts, you will have to pay extra. Thats what it comes down to. I purchased my Prius III to save money. For me, settling for the Prius C was a little under my norms, consmetically and spacewise. Every person has their comfort range.
For the cars mentioned, v vs. TCH vs. Lexus its possible MPG is comparable. You can compare these like any other cars. If you want a plug-in such as Prius Plug-in or Volt etc then it gets more complex. Be careful comparing just based on numbers such as Cargo Space, as EPA has apparently allowed auto cos. to fold a seat or two down for that.