I finally finished my OpenEVSE build this weekend and I am happy to report that it works excellent. I was able to build this for under $400. I used the Arduino Uno 3 with the OpenEVSE Shield and Adafruit RGB display all stacked together. All in all it was a great experience building and finally watching it work. Thanks to all the examples on the OpenEVSE site that I used to model mine after. You guys did all the heavy lifting so people like me could jump right in and set it up. I still need to get a hose caddy for the cable.
BISCO, I ordered 3 of the OpenEVSE boards from OshPark (PCB fabricator), that's their minimum order. I am building one for another forum member (assembling the thru hole OpenEVSE, assembling the AdaFruit RGB LCD display, connecting the power supply, wiring the 30A relay, connecting up the GFCI coil, and programming/testing the subassembly). All you would have to do is buy the case, fuses, J-1772 cable and AC input wiring. I have one left, if you are interested.. Since you are somewhat local to me I could assist you in the final assembly as well. PM if interested.. I only have 1 available and I'm not in the "OpenEVSE business", I just wanted an extra one for myself.. Had to order 3.
It looks like you used the Levitron cable, right? Is it the 30A? How does it fit in the car? The one I ordered is a very tight fit.
That is correct, it's the 30A cable. It seems to fit fine, snug but I have no issues hooking it up or removing it. To answer bisco: I ordered the components back in Sept and put it together in my spare time. I finally had a alot of spare time on Saturday so I just went for it and completed it. I'd say it's about 6-8 hours of work depending on how handy you are.
I am in the process of soldering components on three OpenEVSE V4.0 thruhole boards, the parts only arrived on Saturday, let me tell you there's over 100 components to place, solder, trim leads etc.
that's what i mean, you are completing the board, i would buy it from you and simply need to put it in the box tie in the fuses, input wiring and output wiring and i'm done?
That's the general idea... You need to buy the J-1772 cable, enclosure, fuses, fuse holders, and AC input wiring/gland & AC connectors, and of course mount all of the components in the enclosure (4-40 nuts and bolts and a drill required) See this post on the OpenEVSE site, Chris is hosting a build workshop out in CA in a few weeks, he put this page together for the OpenEVSE builders: OpenEVSE_Workshop - open-evse - OpenEVSE Workshop Saturday December 1, 2012. - Open Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) - Google Project Hosting
you're tempting me mitch, what would it cost me for you to procure all the parts so i could get everything from you?
I think the numbers are on the thread, wasn't it $435 for everything, for a 30A capable OpenEVSE? The J-1772 cable, and the OpenEVSE PCB / power supply, relay GFCI coil are the 2 pricey components, and nothing you can do to relly lower those costs, the Leviton J-1772 cable recently came down in price (ten went back up $15 or so) Look at the 2 options, Option 1 is $435 for everything.
but that doesn't include your labor to build the board and pull all the other parts together. also, is there a smaller lighter evse cable/plug? i'm not liking what i'm hearing about the leviton 'tight fit'.
I would not even other bother with any of the Chinese imported J-1772 cable assemblies, the quality/fit cannot be counted on. I only use ITT J-1772 cables (sames ones Leviton is selling), they are well made and reliable. The only thing you could do to lighten the cable is to use the 15A version, but it actually costs more than the 30A version, and if you ever get a "real EV", your better off with the 30A capable J-1772 cable assembly. I don't charge to help out friends, I will supervise, you can do the final assembly
thanks mitch, i think i would like to move forward, my only concern being the complaints about the plug being a tight fit. i don't want to damage the recepticle on the car. but i agree on not buying chinese.
Part of my problem is that I have to attach and remove my cable from the rear of the car, because I have to park against a fence. The bulk of the plug and cable is because it's 30 Amp. Same bulk as a the commercial ChargePoint or Blink stations.
I bought Mitch's previous OpenEVSE with the ITT/Leviton plug and like Rebound, I do think the fit is a little on the tight side (at least compared to the OEM one). However, I was also thinking it is partially because the ITT/Leviton plug's "handle" is less angled.. so when I'm pulling it out, to get enough leverage, I inadvertently apply some upward force.. this causes the plug portion, with its small tolerance, to kind of come out at a slight angle.. so slight that it kind makes it seem like a tight fit coming out. I hope that makes sense. I dont know this for sure.. its just that sometimes I feel the plug goes in and out with ease.. other times it seems super tight. Maybe I'll put some plastic cleaner/polish (Plexus) on the plug portion.. I'll see if that makes it more "slick".
thanks track, i'll be interested to see how you make out. if it were just the angle, i would think you would get used to it? but maybe like you said, if your not paying attention, which i am usually not, it just depends on how yor pulling on it. the original works smoothly all the time.
I have completed building (3) OpenEVSE Thruhole V4.0 PCBs, still have to assemble 2 of the AdaFruit displays and associated wiring, but I am getting close to done. I have programmed all three with OpenEVSE R1.0.8, and tested one of them so far.. See pictures: