On Gen 2 everyone wants custom gauge ,data, status , and etc. The MFD screen with battery gauge is slow at best.The animation of wheels rolling is of no real value leaving, mpg, temp, and battery status. I was so hoping peef might come along with something.............
I don't want to put words in pEEf's mouth, but I think he has moved onto the Leaf. Unfortunately, there's only one of him and only so many hours in the day. Leafers have been clamoring for him to finish and sell My Nissan Leaf Forum • View topic - LEAFSCANā¢ - The Ultimate Instrument for your LEAF!. There are others that want to buy some of the other Leaf stuff he's been working on. If only he could clone himself a few times... I think maybe you guys are better off using something like the Torque Android app and maybe buying a cheapo Android phone or something like Samsung Galaxy Player 5.0 + some Bluetooth OBD2 dongle. (Basically, you'd want to have an Android version of an iPod Touch w/Bluetooth and capability to run Android apps.) I have no experience w/that device but I'm throwing it out there.
I enjoy using the unit I created and installed in my car. By using the OEM steering wheel buttons, the pages are easy to go through since you don't have to take your hands off of the steering wheel. The LED's right below the screen monitor EV mode and engine on/off status. This is important because no matter what page you are on, you can always tell what the status of both are at all times. This unit controls the battery fan when the battery is hot and cold and also can control the fan when the car is not powered on. In addition, the OLED screen is awesome and much better than an LCD screen. It doesn't get washed out in sunlight and it's not too bright for night. The screen is perfect where I mounted it and you don't see any cables. If it wasn't for the slip of the dremel tool, the installation would look much better. How is pEEF's unit different than mine?
At this point I'm not that knowledgeable about which readouts are the most useful. I suppose it depends on ones purpose. Increasing mileage is always good but just monitoring temps and other readouts to be able to get a sense of the health of various systems seems to be a good idea. Of course one would have to also know the healthy ranges of those systems with which to compare the readout. Does the UG stay on when the ICE powers off? I've read where that has been a problem for the Prius but maybe the newer UG accommodates the Prius better than older versions?
Is Describe or link to how you built and installed yours ...... Plus what is EWT and some of the other abbrv....??
It means it's a long, long way from Plug N Play PIC microcontroller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is plug and play. Literally. I'm hoping to sell these as plug and play units. If you design from scratch, yes, it is a long way but so is the scangauge, ultragauge, etc. A PIC is a shortened name for Microchip PIC. This PIC also can be used with a laptop via USB where you can record and store data on your laptop. It is USB 2.0 compliant. Below is a picture of the interface I'm currently developing. The screen looks scattered because I'm constantly testing things out but the final product will look nice. EWT is engine water temperature. Where THR is located, that toggles between two things. THR is throttle percentage and when I brake it will display braking percentage as BRK. So the main screen actually will display 9 variables instead of 8. I can design a huge screen but sometimes too much information at one time is "too much."AMP is the battery current of the traction battery. BTH is the highest battery temperature sensor inside the traction battery. The abbreviations are meaningless and I put names I could remember. These are easily changed. I have two other screens that show all of the battery modules. See below: So far I have 9 pages. As far as how I built it, I have a circuit board mounted below the radio and behind that curved plastic piece that goes between the floor and the radio. The circuit board is mounted in a small enclosure that is 3.15" x 2.36" x 1.18". I have a USB cable that I plug directly into the power outlet on that curved piece. This is for two reasons. One, the power outlet is there and powers the unit up automatically when the car powers up. Two, if I need to use my laptop, that USB cable can be plugged right into my laptop and will use the USB communication but it also powers the CAN device. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thanks for the explanation, what you are doing looks great, but until you have it packaged and ready to sell as a Plug N Play, it's not Plug N Play for the rest of us. Good Luck.
There's no point in creating 100 units on the hopes that people will buy them. That's too much of a risk for me. If I don't sell any, I lose nothing. If someone wants one, I design it to their exact specifications. That's how I've done it for the past 12 years. And when the person receives it, they put it in their car and it will be "Plug and play." Simple and easy.
I assume some are aware of Lopez and JDH development with the duinomite mega.(I purchased one) I am currently naive on picking out a LCD . I also will have teach myself how to program this microntroller ...
I'm not really sure what your question is regarding the custom HV pack. If you're asking if I had modify anything to get the module voltages on the OLED screen, no, I didn't have to modify anything.
FirstFlight, your readout looks great! But I don't see myself riding around with a laptop mounted somewhere. And the wife might be upset if I take up her seat with one. But as a now and then monitor to check the conditions it would be very cool. As best as I can tell the UG does not display anything about the HV battery. Seems that would be a pretty important area to monitor. The SG can be programmed, if I am right, for a HV battery readout but that may require more input than I was looking for.
The laptop isn't needed. You can use the small screen by itself, the laptop by itself or both together. I wasn't able to get the module voltages with the scangauge. If there is a way, please let me know. Programming that thing is a PITA and you'd have to use four different pages to view all of the module voltages anyway.