Let's supose you need to go to an address which is located on the opposite side of the highway you are driving on. WIth the previous version it would tell you that your destination is on the left or on the right and would possibly suggest you to make a u-turn to get to that side. With the latest update it just tells you that you've reached your destination. That's it! No more telling you where it actually is, so you are f...d if you are not familiar with the area.
I haven't looked at the nav system carefully on the '12 Prius c, but I can tell you the one on the '12 Prius liftback w/the smaller screen is VERY different from the nav system on my Gen 2 and what I've seen on '10-11 Prius liftbacks (as well as on the '07 HyCam I had as a loaner and the '10 Lexus HS I won a week rental of).
I know the Nav systems are totally different for the 2012's but are the GPS systems that different. From the sounds of the complaints, they seem to be the same basic complaints as the 2010's.
Totally differentd. The HDD has a similar gps to 2010-2011, but the 6.1 display audio is totally different.
Once again, I fully understand that the Nav systems are totally different. The Entune system is totally different. I apologize for any confusion on this. The point I was trying to make was with the GPS complaints. We heard the same complaints for the 2010 GPS: 1) Does not have all of the features of a Garmin, TomTom, etc. 2) Cannot program it while driving, not even passenger. 3) The maps are outdated even when the car is new 4) The cost to update the maps are outrageous Are these not the same GPS complaints made above?
Interestingly #1, #2 and #3 apply equally to the Australian GPS system. #4 doesn't because it isn't possible to update the maps at any price.
The Garmin is a much better GPS than the one in the Prius. I've gotten disconcertidly lost with it, lots of resets, sometimes has given me wrong turns, slow to calculate, etc. It's no wheres near as good as the Garmin which I'm going to start using again. Garmin uses a NA satillite system, while Tom Tom uses a European geo nav which has less accuracy I was told. I'm not sure what Prius has in the dash but it's crap. I really like the fake leather seats, more comfortable than cloth, as well as the mag wheels of the IV. Just don't shell out the cash for the GPS and expect to be happy. It's the only thing I really dislike about this car.
The two units may well perform differently and almost certainly have different data, but they use the same GPS satellites. The EU/ESA is setting up an alternative constellation of positioning satellites called Galileo but it is not yet operational.
All systems has limitations, it would be good to be specific on our wants. 1) Which features do you/we want from Garmin and TomTom in a OEM system besides number #2? 2) Not come across any OEM Nav system which allows passenger to program while driving. 4) reading around iirc Chrysler UConnect's Nav is done by Garmin and it still cost to get it updated. don't think any OEM is giving Map update cheap or free.
I have a Garmin 3790 which is a unit with most of the bells and whistles. The nav unit in my C4 is comparable to the Garmin. My car was built in September of 2012 and the nav unit does tell me which side of the street the destination is on. The voice is much easier to understand than with the Garmin. In addition the C4 unit tells me if the turn is the next right or left. The Garmin does not do this. This can be a big deal if there are multiple left or right alternatives that are only a short distance apart. In addition, the C4 nav unit voice feedback has less lag time between the quoted distance to turn and where the car actually is. The C4 nav wakes up and finds satellites faster than the Garmin. The Garmin display has better resolution and because it can be moved around, it can be adjusted to minimize glare. All things considered, I don't see the C4 nav as inferior to a Garmin or TomTom.
There's a thread about how to adjust the settings to get less glare but I don't remember where or how to do it.
When you say you can't 'program' it while driving... What exactly do you mean by that? I can pick a saved or previously used destination, select "Avoids," and hit start while moving.