I'm interested in this thread - I was in a crash, and in the two weeks it took to get my PiP back, it got cold here. I can no longer make the same trips I used to make without ICE kicking on - usually within the first minute - no heat or defrost on. It runs for a bit, shuts off, and sometimes comes back on -- on trips when it never kicked on before. I was wondering if it was due to the temp, or if something computer-wise got messed up in the accident. Everything else seems OK... just miss that 999 mpg my short trips used to get!
thanks for this info.....sounds like mine, the colder it gets the more I will watch for this. Its only happened twice for me so far. Its either the preset temp is at 85(before turning heater off) need to try set this to LO before OFF. or DEF in icon screen is showing....but i think this is less likely. Dan
I leave a bit before seven AM and when I get 4 to 6 blocks away, the engine comes on. I think the temp is all right in the garage and then when exposed to the cold 48 degrees there is a sensor that starts the engine. And in cold weather any slight over pressure on the gas pedal initiates the engine. This is with everything off.
so ICE is supposed to start when its cold out even with heater OFF? I had never heard of this before.
I remember something about the ICE starting when its really cold.. but I forgot the numbers.. so I had to look it up The ICE will start if the hybrid system is too cold (it says 32F) or if its super cold outside (< 14F) Maybe your hybrid system was in the 30s?
well, i think your answer is right there. if the outside temperatures are in the 30s when you're leaving, it was even colder overnight, so the "vehicle has been in temperatures lower than 32F for a long period of time" applies. i wonder if blocking the grille will help this at all.
wow, thanks for this...after all the reading I do here this is first...I guess maybe Im the first one to come across this?? It was very cold this morning, the low overnight was about 20f. So no matter if everything is off, the hybrid system below 32f may start..... this throws all those discussions about wearing warm clothes, heaters to heat inside ect ect out the window...since now the ICE will start anyway. thanks alot, at least now I know its not any settings...its normal. I guess starting the ICE in winter now will be good to do initially, warm system up, get some heat into cabin then go from there. thanks again, Dan
the key word is "may" start. Mine has done it twice now in past 3 weeks, and its not even winter. Im guessing once we have overnight lows in teens for the norm, it will do it each morning. when its that cold I dont mind, since i will want heat anyhow...but I was concerned it was me doing something wrong or a wrong setting. Knowing its normal makes me feel better. Dan
also, for what its worth...it did not start ICE til i accelerated up around 40% HSI....I live on a 55mph country rd and if i get out with no traffic and ease into it It did not start, but then when i got it to 40% HSI it kicked on but was only going 35mph or so...So most likely the hybrid system/battery probably does not like being too cold and calling for too much power at same time. Im guessing a FRESH CHARGE ending just before a cold mornings drive would PREHEAT the battery/system to help prevent this type of ICE startup. Dan
thats the thing....this morning I did not charge, it was full from previous day. So system was cold, below 30f typically i try to end alittle before im out the door, but my schedule is never the same unfortunately. Dan
yes, that's a problem for me to. i try to wait until i know when i'm leaving. sometimes i don't have time for a full charge because i have to leave less than 3 hours after i find out. makes a good case for an L2.
If the OFF is pressed, the Heater is Off. If the Defog is Not pressed and its LED is Not on, then Defog (Defrost) is Not calling for the ICE. If the Temp Control is LO and Fan turned on, the ICE will Not be on due to Temp Control. The Air Flow button does Not turn on the ICE, no matter what it displays. In EV mode, if accelerating into the Power Zone, the ICE will start. And, of course, if the HV button is pressed, the ICE will start. Take a Photo of the display next time it happens.
you must not have read the thread from start..... It has been resolved, if the outside temp is below 32f the ICE MAY START. see post#24 thanks dan
It definitely is 'may'. It was < 27F here yesterday, and ICE did not start. That said, I did notice yesterday that when I turned my heating off (had it set to 72F), I was still feeling warm air coming through the vents 20 minutes later. Once I turned the system back on, dropped it to LO, and turned it off again, I started feeling cold air.
Usually HVAC systems are never really off, even with the off button pressed. Has anyone checked to see if the fan is totally off? Another thing, the regular GenIII has a humidity sensor and electric heaters in the HVAC system, the PIP supposedly doesn't. Maybe the engine comes on to somehow compensate for this.
I will do more experimenting when it get real cold again... I will try keeping icon screen to FOOT only.....then I will try to keep temp set to LO before turning OFF system entirely. It definitely only fired when i slightly pressed peddle for more power, I know if i was on a sideroad at only 25mph it would not fire. it would make more sense that OFF means OFF entirely, regardless of the previous temp setting or if DEF icon is showing. Off SHOULD mean OFF. the fact that the manual does clearly state hyrbid system being below 30F MAY fire ICE says something about whats going on....charging the battery right before driving would help with this. mild here for awhile now so i wont get any testing. Dan
Same thing happened to me twice this week. With temps in the 30's the ICE has been turning on about two blocks from the house, even with the CC off. Seriously looking at getting a block heater.