There is something about flashing lights and sirens attached to a police vehicle in one's rear view mirror... luckily I was not the target but it was a if a police car is moving at 75-80 mph and I'm gliding at 55 on a 50 mph road on my way home from work, how much time do I have to get out of the way? Thankfully, plenty of time to pull over and watch the police car go blazing down the road and through the end of the expressway and out of sight. Whew! I was crossing state lines to boot so either the car was from CT speeding in RI back into CT or from RI speeding into CT?! Also happy to be able to drive the Prius - no snow, no ice, no hurricanes, and the diesel is resting in the driveway with her full tank of fuel (ouch!). I am about a month and a half into driving a Prius and no one told me how much fun I would have...
At least the vehicle in your rear view mirror was a police car. I get the same thing every day here in KY and the vehicles are not police cars. Driving at the speed limit or a bit over, is just asking to be pushed along.
Agreed - I was above the speed limit by 5 and the police car came blazing down the one lane highway. I got the hell out of the way quickly. I hate being tailgated no matter what I am driving - it is annoying if I am traveling with the speed of traffic (not dogging it) and someone has to ride my bumper. But sometimes payback is a *****, like the truck driver in the snow last year who tailgated my truck on a snow/ice covered road, decided in his humble opinion that I was not going fast enough and ended up straddling a ditch with his truck after he passed me and got ahead by a mere quarter mile. Had to admit, smug goes beyond hybrids... Also fun to open her up on the highway when I can - nothing unsafe or illegal but to take the left lane and power on down the road... and to have folks look to see what just passed them...
Passing a well known speed trap and not paying attention to my speed. It is a long winding entrance ramp to Highway 78 but the speed limit is 45, I was over 55. I saw the trooper light up from his grassy hiding spot. I went ahead and pulled over. To my surprise, he blew past me and stopped another car. Talk about relief...
I did get a ticket once in my 2000 Honda Insight MT. I was actually trying to coast down a hill to see how far up the next one I could get. Ooops, my bad officer.
Yeah, I got pulled over driving from Riverside to San Diego on the 15 south. If anyone knows the area between Fallbrook and Escondido is one mountain after the other. Came down one at 85 to have enough momentum to go up the next one of which semi's frequently struggle just to go 30, got stopped at the base of that next hill. Told him I was trying to build momentum as to not disrupt traffic and somehow he let me off with a warning. Don't know if it was the fact it was 11PM, the Prius, or the "flash" of the badge in my wallet when I handed him my license