Yes ... in addition to his original charger pass through device mods, he's got a REV II charger mod that'll feed a full 16amps of 240V through what was originally only a 12amp 120V device ... and so with all that, plus I think he's taking time off (about a month?) - we'll all have to hold our horses for now. :nod:
I was just beginning to think I would purchase the UltraGauge. It looks great to me and what is the problem that you are having with it?
If you really can't wait you may consider buying an OBD-USB device and try out my PriiDash(TM) open source software ( Project Home Page | PriusChat sub-Forum ). It takes some time to set up but at least one of our forum members has successfully done it and even posted a video showing it running.
Whoever that can afford a Prius and has the luxury of leisure to post on PriusChat has gotten a lot more gold than most people in the world.
Well, my Prius cost less than most cars, and I'm retired but busier than ever. Your PriDash looks interesting but I use Mac OS. That said, Mac OS, being Unix based, does have X11 support. So, I wonder? What would be even greater is to have an iOS version for iPhones & iPads.
Good for you! Yes I think you should be able to get an C/C++ compiler for Mac and compile from source code to get it work on Mac. I don't have a Mac so I can't do that and be sure. I don't know whether iPhone or iPad communicates fast enough to process all the CAN messages (~1600 messages per second). If there are further comments/questions let's discuss in the PriiDash sub-Forum so we don't "hijack" this thread from its original subject. Thanks!
Are we there yet? reggers: Would PriuScan allows us to change the units from imperial (US) to metric or imperial (UK)? Interested to see the change the units to both km/h and L/100km.
I know why mrplugin wants this item..... Have you sold your Gen 2 Pri and driving Nissan Leaf...?? You have a following here for this item. What is the current status. ..... Scangauge SOC not enough for me....
What about something like this? Scroll down just a little bit to see pictures: Hurricane Sandy - I love my Prius! | PriusChat
I was thinking about the ScanGauge, saw the possibility of this promising PriusGauge but no info lately, then looked into the UltraGauge but saw there may be an issue where it may be keeping the ECM awake and draining the battery when parked. Any updated suggestions for the best option at this time?
FirstFlight, What is your platform you are using? I know you were working on a "kitchen sink" sort of gauge that looked very interesting. Are you getting to the point of something that you would be willing to share? SGII is great, but has many shortcomings. I lately upgraded the FW to v4 so that I could get the extended frame CAN messages as well as show more than one gauge, but it's much slower than the old FW and buggy when it comes to entering XGauges. I would love to have an alternative gauge, especially one that can be customized....
I'm using a PIC and it's coded in BASIC. The kitchen sink approach was referring to the battery fan board I made. I just figured if I was going to put time into redesigning the way it works, I may as well add a CAN interface where it can be used with a laptop via USB or with the screen mounted permanently in the car like the picture above. I'd say I'm about 80% complete and some people would want it now with the things it can do while others really do want the kitchen sink and that's going to take some time. Speaking only for myself, but probably some others feel the same way, when you have clean slate to work from and you are able to design something from scratch, there's multiple ways to go about it and it's hard to decide what the masses want. With a defined path, it's easier because you are working on a request and can validate each step along the way. Once you complete all steps, you're done. The way it is now, I keep adding and changing things. So let me ask you, can you be specific in what you are looking for?
I came across some info that indicates the Power Off with the car is a setting in the UltraGauge. Does anyone use this device or have any thoughts about it? I do like the bigger screen over the the SG. But does it update often enough for real time data?
I have been using one since last May. I love it! I use it as my reference point for instantaneous mpg. I find that the actual mpg for a trip is in between the Cons. and the UltraGauge. I think there is a way of calibrating it, but I just haven't taken time to figure it out. BTW - I love the large display. I have it set up on the lest side of the windshield, off to the side. Mine always powers off with the car. I don't remember specifically setting that option.