I was informed there is an updated map version V.12.1 . Is there anyone who knows what updates will be included?
Ask your dealer for the update file and he should be able to email you a PDF file with update details state-by-state.
Here's the Lexus Nav Gen 5 and 6 change log for v12.1 (if I'm not mistaken, the nav system in the 2010-2011 Prius should be Gen 6.. but I could be entirely wrong) http://lexusnavigation.com/pdf_docs/2012CY_GEN5_6_ReleaseNotes_v12.127092012085128.pdf If I'm wrong about the Gen 6 thing, then here's the change log for v12.1 Gen 7 http://lexusnavigation.com/pdf_docs/2012CY_GEN7_ReleaseNotes_v12.127092012084403.pdf
$169 for the update, no thanks. If they could say Entune is 100% functional, then I may consider spending money on an update. After spending over $37,000 on a Prius the updates should be free. Mike
2010-2011 is indeed a Gen 6 system. The changelog specifically outlines map database changes. It makes no reference to software itself. It shouldn't be implied either way whether there were software changes or not. Traditionally, there are changes to some degree. It's also difficult to determine what has changed since the Lexus Gen 6 updates are USB based for HDD systems, whereas the Gen 6 2010-2011 Toyota systems are still DVD based. It's the same general map data, but delivered in a different format. The DVDs contain the OS and software for the system as well (some upgrades result in a firmware update).
I've never gotten a update for a Toyota. I've gotten a few for my CTS......which use vin specific codes to install. Is it the same with Toyota?
Looking at the 11.1 and 12.1 changelog it seems they have not added a street I drive down a few times a week. Strangely it has some streets that are newer off to the side that are residential. The GPS either jumps me through several (newer) residential streets or off on the other side to a street that no longer exists. I wonder if one can submit a street that has been missing for years. Guess it's not open street map.