At night when I have the headlights on, the illumination of my steering wheel control switches (the ones for audio control, climate control, etc.) is extremely dim. All of the other lights are normal, and yes, I have the thumbwheel control set properly for max illumination of everything else. The steering wheel control lights are so dim that I have trouble seeing them when I glance down, and need to pause a few moments to have my eyes adjust - not a good idea when you're driving! The dealer mechanic says this is normal, but I can't believe this. Any ideas?
I too, experience dim steering wheel control lights on my 06 Prius. I haven't looked thoroughly through my manual yet, so I hope there is something that I can do to brighten it a bit.
That's normal in the '05 as well. I guess they figure you'll learn by feel with the steering wheel. Most of the time I can, but I have to remember where "^" is at for changing CDs or selections (or AM/FM stations) vs the one for temperature (they are opposite).
I agree but I'm trying to force myself to use the Braille system 'Yota incorporated into the controls. I find the dimness annoying but I do see the logic of knowing the buttons without taking my eyes off the road. Tough at times though.
I've got the same issues. I studied the manual figuring there must be a way to brighten those up. No luck.
That is part of your problem. The steering wheel control lighting is fairly dim. When everything else is that much brighter, the contrast in the lighting level makes it much harder to see. You'll have an easier time seeing the steering wheel buttons at night if you were to lower the brightness of the other instrument panel lights.
Noticed the same on my '06 too. Just have to live with it. COuld probably swap in some brighter LEDs though.
The dim steering wheel control lighting is supposedly adjustable by the dealer according to prior postings here.
I have the same problem with the steering wheel lights plus another problem I would like some input on. I have the auto-dimming rearview mirror with "HomeLink". There doesn't appear to be any lighting of the 3 garage door switches on the mirror in my car. Is this per design? Finding the correct switch is a pain.
Sounds like there might be a way to get this fixed if there is enough interest.... See this thread: BTTech Steering Wheel Light Query