There are already those articles about C-Max Hybrid Outsells Toyota Prius v: Ford C-MAX Hybrid Outsells Toyota Prius v in First Full Sales Month, Helps Ford Set Hybrid, Small Vehicle Sales Records - Bloomberg But browsing some forums I already see folks dissatisfaction with fuel economy. Where's my 47 MPG??? - Fuel Mileage - Ford C-MAX Forum Prius V fuel mileage EPA numbers are pessimistic (in reality Prius V does much better that EPA numbers). On another point Prius has a long history of reliability, C-Max has no records at all!
This is Ford's strategy to compare with v. But the C-Max is more of a prius competitor instead of v. C-max has a small hatch (about 24 cubic ft). Interior space is also very tight. It is easier to claim victory against v. I am waiting for Consumer reports to review C-Max's mpg. In general, I got very similar mpg pattern with CR for all of my cars including the v. I am getting 35/45 with my v. CR reports 33/47. It is good to have C-Max to win some rounds. It really has more power and is faster. Competition makes better products. I hope Toyota can give us a much better Prius for my next car.
Once EPA officially tests the C-Max and determines the EPA rating is too high I think sale will drop a bit.
I'm not worried about this since ford doesn't have such a good reliability record........after all we all know what FORD stands for!!! Fix Or Repair Daily Found On Road Dead
They just had a lot of buyers in que, so their first month had their regular sales rate plus the que. We will ahve to see the second month. Or the V's first month vs C-Max first month.
Seems like so far, the C-Max hybrid mpg is less than the bigger Prius v mpg in test drives and real world driving. People buy these cars for the mileage. Hyundai is in the news this week for mileage problems. The average for 6 C-Max hybrids reported is under 40 mpg . 2013 Ford C-Max MPG Reports | Fuelly Edmunds insideline fuel mileage test: C-Max hybrid; 33 mpg; (over 393 miles) 2013 Ford C-Max Hybrid Full Test The average for 179 Prius v is reported is 42.4 mpg; Toyota Prius v MPG Reports | Fuelly Edmunds insideline fuel mileage test: Prius v; 40.1 mpg; 2012 Toyota Prius V Full Test and Video
I was looking at the C-Max forums and they are complaning that none of them are getting 47 mpg as posted. They are all pissed....
That is interesting and I appreciated that Motor Trend dug a little deeper than any any other review I've seen. They might have mentioned the issues with My Ford Touch though. The interview concerning the C-Max's EPA numbers was very interesting -- maybe there is something to whether the C-Max will make its EPA numbers in real world driving. As mentioned in the video, it doesn't make sense that the C-Max would get better numbers than the v when it is a heavier car with a bigger engine that is less aerodynamic. Otherwise, I think the comparison is fair and the C-Max looks like a good car and a worthy addition to the hybrid ranks. But I agree with Toyota that C-Max/Prius v is not an apples-to-apples comparison; at least for this Prius v buyer, the difference in cargo capacity was an important difference between the two cars.
I'm assuming the press release is comparing Oct 12 sales of C-Max to Oct 12 sales of Prius v? If that's the case, no reason to have any concern, as the local Toyota dealers here haven't had many Prius v to sell due to the end of the model year, with 2013s coming late this month. It's easy to have better sales numbers when your competition has nothing to sell
Some of us still don't get the EPA mpg for the Prius--I get47.1--and during the break-in period I was much lower--IIRC, a lot of us were. If Ford didn't cheat, numbers should start to even out.
How can a car with not HP, less aero dynamic & weights more get the same or better than the Prius??? The math just doesn't add up
^^^ It could be a case of Ford better optimizing for the EPA test than Toyota. The previous gen FFH got better EPA numbers than the previous gen HyCam, yet on Consumer Reports' own mileage tests, they got the same overall mileage.
I would also think that many people are simply loyal to a certain brand. Living in Texas, I see folks are stupid loyal to "Ford tough" etc etc and I'm sure are intrigued with hybrid as they run along on their loud clumsy Fords getting only a fraction of the gas mileage. But tha has t Ford pride would never lower themselves to buying a Japanese prius that they have made fun of for so many years. So now when Ford comes out with something "especially if it's faster" and fortifies their Ford pride and loyalty, it's expected they would jump on it. But like a previous poster said. American made really stepped up their game.... But they still only build to specs to pass inspection... There is little motivation to build better than necessary to get the job done. That makes the difference between a car that's good with a few maintenance problems. Verses one that goes 200k miles with "no" out of pocket maintenance issues like my two 2006 prius's, my 2010 with 90k is also following suit. Ford is still Ford, Toyota is still Toyota.
I finally saw one on the road and I didn't like it. It actually looked smaller than a GenIII Prius. I don't think lowering springs would help it like it does the Prius. I think I would get one over the Prius v though. The v is like the Kim Kardashian of the Prius world and that ain't my style. LOL
You don't see the resemblance? Maybe this pic with her in blizzard pearl will help. I see the car coming at me head on and think, nice then it turns the corner and I'm like whoa damn!