My Pandora app sometimes will "buffer" in the middle of a song, and then after roughly 10-20 seconds, it skips the song entirely. Usually the internet connection is great (my phone has full bars) and this happens whether I'm using my hotspot OR phone is plugged in. Anyone else experience this? Does anyone know if there's a fix or a workaround? I'm using an iPhone 4s by the way. This problem also does not occur if I run Pandora through my phone and play audio via bluetooth or wire. May I also pre-empt a few of you out there? I actually like the interface for Pandora through Entune. I find it simpler than trying to use my phone while driving anyway (plus that always runs the risk of a cop thinking you're texting and driving)
I have the same problem with my BlackBerry 9800, it is 3G UMTS only. Playing it via the Pandora app works fine, so phone internet bandwidth is not an issue. My guess is Entune routes the Padora data via their own servers and they are too slow to keep up live streaming.
Thanks for confirming this Jonny. I was wondering if other people were having this same problem. I guess one more reason to not like Entune
I just ordered a Samsung Galaxy SIII yesterday. It should be here Tuesday or Wednesday. Once I get it hook up, I can triple confirm. It is 4G LTE, utimate in bandwidth.
Getting the same problem. It was working well for a bit and even with high quality audio option, but I think I drive through areas that switch me over to edge at times. Anyways, I can check sports scores while stuck in traffic so i am happy.
Update: Got my Samsung Galaxy SIII, and installed Entune. Pandora seems to be working fine. No buffing, even on high quality audio. It is running 4G LTE.
Infrequent problem on my iPhone 4, ATT using Hotspot tethering and Bluetooth in the car, no wired connection.
Likely your carrier not your phone and drilling down, likely your carrier's coverage in specific spots you travel.