I ordered this kit for my Prius a few months back but I got tired of waiting for it and did the mod myself before it arrived. This kit is new, never used. Its yours for $50, the price includes shipping.
And you won't have to wait 2 months for coastaltech to send it to you, if they send it at all. They completely forgot about my first order with them, so I had to reorder and wait again.
It looks like jbarnhart was the first to respond to my offer. I'm sure you will be happy with your new EV mod.
Are these easy to install , even if one has no experience in this area? Also, does it effect the vehicle warranty?
45 mins tops (30 if you have any experience working on the car) and no it does not affect the warantee.
yes. Just remove the small squarish piece right at the bottom, open the glovebox, unhook the damper, (opt: remove lower glovebox if you wish), open upper glovebox, remove side vent, find bottom grey HCU plug, remove, wire tap "white with black stripe" wire and purple wire closest to centre, insert orange pin in location 27. Re-insert grey plug, snap everything back together
I think I already sold the EV kit but you can still do it the "hard way" if you want. It involves taking small pins out if the steering wheel harness to tap into the ECU and run a wire back to the drivers side to a momentary switch.