You carry a powerful handgun to deal with the your fears. If you were not afraid, you would not seek the proven false security of a gun. Chuckle. Anyone who is panicked by imagined threats in his rear view mirror will be lucky not to shoot himself. The gun waving is likely more to ward off the ribbing of your social group for driving a Prius. But look I have a "big gun".
** Mod Note: Moved to FHoP. This was never Gen III related. If this gets too far off, it'll go into the Politics subforum, or just get deleted. Please post topics in their relevant forums! **
I think only the original poster can ask that it be deleted. This section can have threads about anything car or other related topics Mike
I really didn't think this was such a big deal, in my part of the country guns are part of life, collected, admired, used ( hunting, shooting ) carried, most folks are used to guns being around. No we are not gun toting zealots looking for the next shootout at the OK CORRAL, I am a new PRIUS owner and felt like the average owner probably doesn't carry and I bet most of the populace is of the same mind, just trying to get to know my fellow owners here a little better, didn't mean to stir the pot so much.
If we were still in the G3 sub forum...I'd almost agree however (comma!) there's a little line item beneath the PHoP banner that says something like: Anything unrelated to the Prius. Come chat. First Amendment is your friend in here. Of course.....I guess how friendly you are to the First Amendment...or how friendly the First Amendment is to you depends largely how you feel about the Second Amendment if you're a lib, huh? There are many GOD given Constitutionally protected rights in the United States. Unlike some, I believe that the BILL OF RIGHTS is somewhat hierarchical, which means that the FIRST of them is probably fairly important. With rights...come responsibilities, since you and I and some 299,999,998 other (mostly legal) folks all have to learn to live together peaceably. I don't like all of the rights that are protected (or at least grudgingly allowed) by the USC. Obviously....neither do you, but I've found that if you exercise a little tolerance for your fellow beans out there? Perhaps some will be exercised on your behalf as well. If you ever went to kindergarten? They call that getting along. Juuuust sayin!
When your front door is kicked in and your children and wife threatened (or raped) good luck dialing 911 and defending your family with your non-lethal weapon.
I'm about to do just that this winter. I collect Curios & Relics and use a few of them that are not so valuable Mike
Anyone shoot poker chips, dominoes, steel pans or spinner targets? I've been collecting those things the past few years to bring out to my outdoor range this winter. Too many bugs out there to shoot in the warm weather months. Mike
This is when you will learn what the police will do for you, they will gladly draw a chalk outline of your cold, dead body, I prefer they draw the bad guys cold, dead, bullet riddled body.
Has the economy soured so much that Chatters are LIVING in their Prius's ? Kicking in the front door of a Prius is no easy feat. I'm sure glad that HTMLspinnr moved this thread to FHoP. As Monty Python's The Colonel might have said: This thread is getting rather silly. The original question was I wonder how many Prius drivers are packing heat when they're on the road - not if they can defend themselves and their kin with a gun from the side-table during a home invasion! Get on with it!
Oh my goodness...interesting that doesn't really happen in the US but is a fear the gun industry and lobby tout, scaring the weak and fearful into buying guns. The sad irony is that the people increase their risk of violence by having the gun in the home as the real danger is the gun which ends up killing or injuring the owner, family or acquaintances 95% of the time.
The original question was mine and it has been quite interesting the direction it has taken, some open minded and some close minded responses, is it not the purpose of a forum the free exchange of thought?
But you said you were an GUN ADVOCATE and were looking for a CONFRONTATION so you could shoot someone with big gun. You were definitely stirring the pot. "Advocate" and "Confrontation" were your words.