Interesting look at the new Jetta Hybrid which apparently maintains its German heritage in terms of handling and gets 45 mpg. Interesting review from The Diesel Driver and great irony (I think) in the photos. 2013 Volkswagen Jetta Hybrid – First Look and Review by Jonathan Spira Read the full story »
It's a nice car, but paying a large premium for 45mpg? Just doesn't make sense. In fact, I like the TDI much better if I had to go the VW route.
2013 Hybrid Jetta starts from $24,995. You get 16" rims @ $26,995. If it is reliable (VW is questionable afterall), it would be worth the additional premium over a Prius for a "sportier" feeling.
I don't get why they think US is not ready for automatic off/on of ICE during stops. That's one of the cool things about the Prius, and it certainly sells well. BTW, I didn't notice. Does it require premium gas? For those of us who don't know, is premium a requirement for all turbos?
It does require premium gas. Many turbos can operate fine on regular gasoline, but the vw and bmw turbos require premium. I don't know what is the matter with that article but the jetta hybrid should shut off the engine. Stand alone auto start stops that don't have a big lithium battery probably are too expensive for the american market. Ford put one in its fusion, we can see if that one sells.
I feel like a shark that smells blood in the water. I wonder what the real reason is why they don't have an auto start stop on their hybrid. The reason they gave is unreasonable (read: complete crap). I wonder what the City mileage is....must be less than the highway or else they would have mentioned it. Without auto start/stop, it probably isn't great. Does this also mean that it won't pulse and glide very well because the gas engine will always be running? Ugh!
Any number of manufacturers attempt to capture the 'sporty hybrid' market only to find that road test editors do not actually buy cars. And that was their entire market. Meanwhile, the Prius outsells all other hybrids combined.
I do think that there is a sporty hybrid market, but let's look at the fails honda cr-z - not sporty, only looks sporty, not enough power jetta hybrid - not as sporty as a regular jetta, but costs you more. Competes with the jetta diesel. Not likely sucessful, but it's a better step than the cr-z. Likely the c-max which is a better handling hybrid will do well, but not nearly as well as a prius. Tesla Roadster - ok its bev not hybrid, but it totally works.
Its a bad review. The gas engine does turn on and off, and there is an ev button to force the gas engine off if you are going slow enough and have enough power. They have a clutch unlike the honda ima.
Thanks for the clarification. I did not get that from the article at all (which is why you commented that it is a bad review). I hope the mileage does well for it, it would be nice to continue to have cars that get 40+ mpgs and to try and get the "car guys" who scoff at our vanilla toyotas into cars that get very good mileage.
I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop when they report city MPG, and I expect the car's reliability to be as poor as ever. Turbo and massively complex transmissions just cannot compete with a simple PSD design.
I agree Sage. I just don't get these other carmaker's attempts at hybrids. No start/stop???? 7 speed auto that decouples???? (more weight for 7 gear sets). Premium gas penalty increases cost per mile??? I'm unimpressed. City mileage will not compete w/ the Prius. It is clear that HSD is very hard to compete with. It is a simple, highly reliable design that uses regular gas. So far, no one can touch it. Good try VW but I recommend leasing HSD tech from Toyota.
Seeing as Mossy VW in my area is selling TDI sedans at $23k, i'd take that seeing as I have coworkers with over 250k on older TDI's. 1.4 turbo and electronics. Based on past experiences and having family members that own an 08 GTI and a 2010 Jetta, electronics are not VW's strong suit. Also add that my cousins 2.0T GTI has oil consumption issues since new and according to VW thats normal for the 2.0T and within normal specs