Ok, I am sure this has been done to death. My question is Can you SAFELY tow a small trailer behind a prius, like for small motorcycles? By safely I mean not destroy the Prius tranny/engine ect ect... What are you thoughts on this ?
Toyota does not recommend that Prius be used for towing, so keep in mind that you bear the risk of any damage caused by that activity. A number of owners have towed lighter items without having their powertrain self-destruct. I suggest you do a search to see what has been done.
I read some wear on here that some one had been towing a 1 ton mine digger with his and had on problems
I hope that should read "had NO problems" It is often mentioned that the electrics are pretty much the same as the Lexus RX400h, which has no such restrictions. I just installed my hitch and my father-in-law has a 5000lb trailer... which I am not going to tow But if I ever install my motorcycle hitch (as in a hitch to tow something behind my motorcycle), I will have no reservations using a ~400lb(max) trailer behind either the motorcycle or the Prius.
You are correct. Try using the search function: Search Threads and Posts | PriusChat Enter "towing" and/or "trailer" as the search keyword, select the appropriate subforum under "Search in Forums" and check the "Display results as threads" box. You will find plenty of threads giving examples and advice on this topic.
yea.. but the RX400H has upto 200kw POWER available and also a rear wheel electric driver motor for 4 wheel drive ... the RX400h towing limit is lower (1500kg braked)than other SUV towing limits even with all this power ..
Would it be any different then a car full of 200lb. adults driving up the mountains in a Prius. That would be harder on the car, because your tongue weight wouldn't be 800lbs. on the springs,it would be on the trailer,and I assume your not going up mountains either. Once in motion, the car shouldn't encounter much resistance at all with a small trailer behind it unless your talking 7ft. high trailer, and the wind resistance.
The catch in your statement is the "once in motion". That is not where the problem lies. The problem surely is going to be the added strain on the transaxle, the motor generators and the brake system every time you start and stop. Having the weight on a trailer is different from having the weight on the cars suspension when it comes down to engineering aspects. Bottom line: The Prius is not designed for towing. It is in the owner's manual. Of course, there are those who ignore the manual and do tow with the Prius. By doing so, it is understood that it is at each individuals risk. Yes, it can be done and maybe nothing will happen afterwards, then again maybe not. Transaxles are not cheap on the Prius.