Just thought I would show y'all what I found to add a little personality to the Prius. Had many individuals asking about it.
I've noticed that when I am probably too tired to be driving, I see faces in the tail lights and bumpers of the cars in front of me. Some are very expressive.
No front plate? I had been harrassed by State Troopers but not the locals. These days I wear mine, as an extra safety reflector at night, when parked, too, as there is no forward facing reflector on a car.
The dealer didn't install it, due to the fact that there was a tweak in the Texas law regarding the front license plate that remove the fees for not having a front plate....
No, before the tweak to the law in Texas. If you were pulled over for not having a front license plate, there was a fine. Due to a error earlier this year, the fine was remove from the front license plate law.
Hmm. All states bordering Texas are one plate states. The troopers really need to take a 2nd look to make sure you are not from out of state. BTW I got the last run of the "blue sky" license plates. Did you get the black and white one? I like that one better on a white car. But at least the blue sorta go with the blue in the hybrid Toyota emblems.
I got the white one, goes with the car pretty good. Was thinking about a custom plate but decided not to at the last minute.
So are you saying that we can remove the front license plate (in Texas) and not worry about getting fined? I hate my front license plate so if I knew I could get away with not having it, I'd remove it.
Yes, some cops might know the rules yet. But there shouldn't be any fines written for it. Google it, there are a lot of excited people out there about the situation. Rumors is that they are gonna change it back to normal soon, so we'll see how that works out.