Anybody out there willing to share what great ideas they've used to put on their license plates? I will be getting my Prius in a week and would what to get personalize license plates. I understand that if I use one of your ideas it won't be exactly personalized but I will be okay with that. Keep in mind that I live in Washington state so if you live here and already use that plate I won't be able to use it. But certainly please give me any other ideas you may have. Thanks, Carlos
well how about PWR2HUM or REGENGAS (is that too much?? my own state, guess i should know the letter limit but to be honest with ya, i dont)
There are multiple threads about personal plates. Here are some:
I have on order for (CA): 4 GEEKS My fave that someone actually got away with: F OPEC (could also be: NO2OPEC) Also: LESSOIL
I'm not sure you'd get away with FOPEC anymore but the guy that had it created a website to perpetuate the illusion with the DMV. He told them he worked for the Francis Opec Jewelry Design company. Unfortunately the website isn't up any more. Too bad. It was really kinda fun. I guess the guy figured he had his license plate and there was no need to continue to pay for the webstite. Really too bad.
i like some of the suggestions, as well as the ones people already have - my fave being DUALPWR we only have 6 letter plates here in OZ so I wouldnt be able to get that anyway I was actually thinking(and Im showing my younger age here !) of PWNZ... but it was just $395 I didnt have at the moment(Im saving for a trip to Mexico *for those not familiar the lingo, "PWNZ" is gamerspeak for "OWNS" which is a description of something that is superior to all things like it.
I got one of those personalized plate holders which says: This is my war on terrorism. Inside that is a plate which reads: NOFUELN Others which I considered were: KIXGAS PREEEUS CONSRVN GASKIKN MUCHMPG KYOTO 50MPG 60MPG ERTHWYZ GR8MPG TOGOB4 LESSGAS GASNOMO PRE S NV BN GRN GASDIET NOGUZLR H8GAS Many of the above were found in other posts here on PC.
It's amazing what's NOT available in California anymore. Awaiting my pick up at the Fremont DMV: SAD OPEC