No, that's the right way. If you have cats, at some point in their lives they will probably scratch the toilet paper roll. When they do, they'll use a downward motion on the front of the roll. If the toilet paper is hung as in the illustration, the roll will spin around, and the cat will leave claw marks, but the cat will eventually get bored and stop doing it. If it's hung the other way, the roll will unravel, which will be much more fun for the cat -- so the cat will want to do it again and again when you hang new rolls of paper.
custom made, just for you inventor00 notice, it's not upside down, I want you to feel comfy [Broken External Image]:
We currently have 3 cats (had 4 until last year) and none have ever scratched the rolls in any bathroom. Now, if you have kids, at some point they will pull the roll and, if the paper is hung as in the illustration, you'll find a huge wad of paper on the floor. :lol:
While you were gone things were pretty quiet, EXCEPT for people checking in to say they'd gotten their cars, another malorn yada yada thread (or THREE), and maggie (and others) playing with day-glo colors on Priuses (ya want a lime Prius? here ya go! ). We held prayer vigil for you and hubby every night at midnight. Tony may have erased those threads, though.
went to Football game yesterday...(go SEAHAWKS!!) so by the time i got back, everything was fine... so missed it i guess. i must admit, the new one seems kinda like the old far
My wife insists the illustration is the wrong way. Adamant about it. She gets to clean up the mess after a cat play fest!